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Demoman  High Skill, 6v6

Norway zambz

Posted: | Last Online:

in case team doesnt work out

ideally d2 playoffs again, willing to try d1

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:131957877 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined MANDEM [6v6] inso
Left Yappers [LAN Team] zambz
Left Yappers [6v6] zambz
Joined Yappers [LAN Team] aless
Joined Yappers [6v6] aless
Left The Last Resort [6v6] zambz
Joined epic team [6v6 Fun Team] Buud
Left cp_2ndroom [6v6 Fun Team] zambz
Joined cp_2ndroom [6v6 Fun Team] equal
Joined The Last Resort [6v6] Matthes
Left :wheelchair: [6v6] zambz
Joined :wheelchair: [6v6] ry4n
Left SVIFT [6v6] zambz
Joined SVIFT [6v6] danny
Left The Last Resort [6v6] zambz
Joined The Last Resort [6v6] flick
Left ympo cucked: round 4 [6v6] zambz
Left Skull and Bones [Highlander] zambz
Joined ympo cucked: round 4 [6v6] ry4n
Left BENDTOOLS [6v6] zambz
Joined BENDTOOLS [6v6] menex
Left The Baboons [6v6] zambz
Joined The Baboons [6v6] rivka
Joined BALKAN POWERHOUSE [6v6] smile
Left The Bus Crew [6v6] zambz
Left KONGS [6v6 Fun Team] lekku
Joined KONGS [6v6 Fun Team] lekku
Left gondola squad [6v6 Fun Team] zambz
Joined The Bus Crew [6v6] lekku
Left Garda Panteri [6v6] zambz
Joined Skull and Bones [Highlander] TK_
Left The fresh pills from bel air [Highlander] zambz
Joined Garda Panteri [6v6] Buud
Left south side gamig [6v6] zambz
Joined south side gamig [6v6] Manky
Left Collaboration Of Cool Kids [6v6] zambz
Joined Collaboration Of Cool Kids [6v6] staec
Left RANGY [6v6] zambz
Joined RANGY [6v6] zambz
Joined gondola squad [6v6 Fun Team] theos
Left Club Esteban [6v6] Crayon
Joined The fresh pills from bel air [Highlander] hugee
Joined Club Esteban [6v6] hugo
Left Arctic Wolves [6v6] zambz
Joined Arctic Wolves [6v6] rae
Left Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] zambz
Joined Norway [National 6v6 Team] fishyard
Joined Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] Tercio
Left gondola squad [6v6] zambz
Joined gondola squad [6v6] Ross
Left Pin-up Girls [6v6] zambz
Joined Pin-up Girls [6v6] Miko
Left scurbs [Highlander] zambz
Joined scurbs [Highlander] zambz
Left Crazy warriors (EU) [Highlander] zambz
Joined Crazy warriors (EU) [Highlander] zambz

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Prem 8 731
View Prem/High 28 1045
View Prem/High 9 603
View Prem/High 20 1429
View Prem/High 32 1684
View Prem/High 30 1918
View High 30 1907
View High 1 510
View Prem 1 699


  1. Highlander: PINT said:

    Future prem player!

  2. f4t said:


  3. saltyy said:

    so goooood

    also eats whale

  4. Riis: SUNE said:

    monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey

  5. Arcades: MANDEM - MM25 said:


  6. theos: REMOVE - CCP said:

    best demo i’ve ever played with. deserves div1.
    watch out though he likes to det on himself

  7. TimTum: (ETF2L Donator) - -ƒ$-BLAH said:

    nice guy, can play div1 for sure

  8. maggy: APT said:

    very good at the demo class, and a good guy aswell, easy pickup for div2 playoff team or a decent div1 team

  9. tendon: 312321 said:

    really good

  10. Fancy: MANDEM - HOUSE said:

    one of the nicest players and one of the most beast demos i have played with, amazing pick do d2 or d1

  11. lardox: MANDEM said:

    klebrig bombeangrep

  12. laiky: hoes said:


  13. Lokko: -ƒ$-BLAH said:

    very good

  14. tavi: hoes said:


  15. Mona: Snack said:


  16. rulliez: nya - 256 said:

    really good

  17. shinso said:

    spy main at heart

  18. b3hold said:

    Monke pipes

  19. renton: LAW - GMsU said:

    ive been mentoring this guy since the start of s38 and he has grown as a player so much. very keen and improving d1++++ pick

  20. Sw3ny: CENTO - CCP said:

    so fucking good get him

  21. EDK: PANZER said:

    Beast demo

  22. zambz: MANDEM said:


  23. gatsan: BIOCHEMIST said:

    ❤¸.•*””*•. ¸❤ ❤¸.•*””*•. ¸❤ ❤¸.•*””*•. ¸❤
    Post this on the walls of the 12 best self-detters you know…
    If you get back 5 you’re monky…
    ❤¸.•*””*•. ¸❤ ❤¸.•*””*•. ¸❤ ❤¸.•*””*•. ¸❤

  24. mak FP: soon... - hp said:


  25. staec: cock said:

    best demo, founder of #BORNTOSELFDET

  26. doug said:

    constructed alternatively

  27. red: HV said:

    the best demo and nicest person I’ve ever played with

  28. wraith said:

    the self det incident

    p.s. dangerously based

  29. hemp: ORA said:

    insanely good strong yes yes