ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


EngineerHeavyMedicPyroSniperSoldierSpy  Open Skill, Highlander

International Casual Brigade

Posted by Demnotta: | Last Online:

new bottom open team that is looking for players with no (or almost no) competetive experience
team is half ready, now we are looking for subs and some main.

Subs: all classes except scout

dm me on steam or discord Demnotta#7942

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  1. frumiouspiglet said:

    I’m interested, I have no competitive experience (but lots of casual/faceit experience). I have a friend as well who might be interested, me for soldier him for heavy?

  2. ZK said:

    Hey, I can be a sub for medic, I have no competitive experience but a lot of casual and community server experience.

  3. Mcfly said:

    I’m a soldier and sniper main, I’ve never played community competitive but i’m the third highest rank in official. I stopped playing official because of the terrible queue times.

  4. Mcfly said:

    I’m a soldier main and i’m looking to join

  5. Mcfly said:

    I’m a soldier main and i’m looking to join Message me on discord if you want to know more, Mcfly#6952

  6. Mcfly said:

    Ok so my internet wasn’t working properly and i sent a few replies it just decided to send them all at once now