ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Low/Open Skill, 6v6 Fun Team

UnitedKingdom The right wing Libtard's

Posted by snarpii: | Last Online:

Hello, I am a relatively new comp player. I have 1 season of open experience and 200 hours on scout and around 250 on medic. I would much rather a scout role and I can only play medic if it is as a sub. I am tired to death with hl and would really like to move onto 6s.

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  1. classet: EM said:

    Yo, I would like to play as Medic for you guys.
    I could potentially play up to five days per week.
    I am relatively new to the competitive format off of Valve servers, but I am still willing to improve nonetheless.

  2. Stormy said:

    Hi, I am a scout main with 100 hours, no comp experience
    Poot me in your team.

  3. Insert said:

    Yo, im a pocket with 200+ hours on soldier. Could play most days execpt for a tuesday and weekend every other week (im okay for 1 week then miss the tues + weekend the second week)

  4. Sprite said:

    good scout/soldier with comp experience in highlander at higher levels add me here: https://steamcommunity.com/id/MigitZombie/

  5. emi: std:: said:

    hey im a medic main with 1400 hours in-game, I played in UGC silver. Id like to try out if the spot is still open