ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Mid Skill, 6v6

England BreD

Posted: | Last Online:

Pocket only.
Can scrim most days 20:00 cest onward. Spent last season as sub roamer due to exams so may be a little rusty.
Look at my etf2l profile for experience – played roamer, pocket and demo over various different seasons.
Add me if you want to trial me.

20:08 – Stereo mix/merc: you should mention that in your post imo
"thats something a lot of people appreciate the ability to not complain in game like 90% of the tf2 players"

Also looking for a last minute i58 team if anyone is looking.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:82285540 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left 2 Of Spades [2v2] BreD
Left 360biblescope [Highlander] BreD
Left protec [6v6 Fun Team] BreD
Left go woke or go bloke ♿ [6v6] Jorge
Joined 360biblescope [Highlander] Jake
Left 6>9 [Highlander] BreD
Joined go woke or go bloke ♿ [6v6] Jake
Left Midnight 6s [6v6] BreD
Joined protec [6v6 Fun Team] Lava
Left Fancy & Furious Fighters [6v6 Fun Team] BreD
Joined Gamers for the Win [LAN Team] tiia
Joined 2 Of Spades [2v2] Prawn
Left Meatballs [2v2] BreD
Joined Fancy & Furious Fighters [6v6 Fun Team] qBowN∼
Left Literally Fresh Meat [6v6 Fun Team] BreD
Joined Literally Fresh Meat [6v6 Fun Team] BreD
Left Day 6s [6v6 Fun Team] BreD
Joined Meatballs [2v2] equal
Joined Day 6s [6v6 Fun Team] Traitor
Left 100-PƎRCƎNT [2v2] BreD
Joined 6>9 [Highlander] BreD
Left GANGFORT [Highlander] BreD
Joined Midnight 6s [6v6] equal
Left A$AP Mob [6v6] BreD
Joined A$AP Mob [6v6] Capu
Left Team [LAN Team] BreD
Joined GANGFORT [Highlander] Tamir
Joined Team [LAN Team] tiia
Left Literally [Highlander] BreD
Joined PUBLICK LOW OPEN [6v6] Tamir
Left The Essentials [6v6] BreD
Joined Literally [Highlander] crazy
Left Fun Police [Highlander] BreD
Joined Fun Police [Highlander] Reisbauer
Joined The Essentials [6v6] tiia
Left Triangletf2.com-Open [6v6] BreD
Left wee bit rusty [Highlander] BreD
Joined 100-PƎRCƎNT [2v2] BreD
Joined Triangletf2.com-Open [6v6] venom
Left Artificial Amateurs Aren't At All Amazin [6v6] BreD
Left Slightly bland [2v2] BreD
Joined Slightly bland [2v2] Kraken
Joined wee bit rusty [Highlander] Kraken
Joined Artificial Amateurs Aren't At All Amazin [6v6] BreD
Left Viaduct bandits [6v6] BreD
Joined Viaduct bandits [6v6] Sherwood
Left GO-ON eSPORTS sponsored by Oldje [6v6] bluR-
Joined GO-ON eSPORTS sponsored by Oldje [6v6] bluR-

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  1. Pretzel said:

    Played with him for like, half a season.

    Solid player, doesn’t complain during scrims and is pretty reliable.

  2. Prawn: GlueEater - TC said:

    If you can micro this dude pick him up he has good aim and listens.

  3. Lava said:

    ▬ Best pocket soldier I know

    ▬ Waits till the end of a match to explain improvement

    ▬ Super helpful

    ▬ Pretty nice voice tbh

    ▬ 10/10 would succ again

  4. Crazy said:

    Good player
    Good pocket
    Good communication
    Good TF2 Player
    All round Great person

    Is there any reason to why you haven’t added him yet?

  5. Tamir said:

    Top mid pocket, extremely nice guy as well

  6. Kraken said:

    i would consider adding him on steam, plays tf2

    nice guy

  7. Kars said:

    He’s a great pocket, he’s one of the nicest people to play with aswell.
    Trial this man. Denies every bombing soldier with atleast 4 airshots. gg

  8. binkkye said:

    solid mid with the right team, added bonus that he’s a great lad

  9. armadillo said:

    nice guy, nice calls, nice frags

  10. Vouri said:

    nice guy nice rockets

  11. the rocketeer that c: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° said:

    i must agree with bink
    “solid mid with the right team, added bonus that he’s a great lad”

  12. Hatefield: BanJ said:

    great player and a really nice guy, pick him up