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DemomanEngineerMedicPyroScout  Mid/High Skill, Highlander

European Boars of Argad

Posted by Lawrence G P: | Last Online:

(TL:DR) A competitive tf2 group based around making teams fitting for player's skill levels. If you're not able to get put in a team, you'll have a big community of other players to play competitive with.

Greetings to everyone who stumbles across this recruitment post!

Are you tired of not being accepted to any teams? Do you hate how other players in your old teams just aren't as good as you? Well search no further! Because this is where you can get a team fitting to your skill!

This is the recruitment post of the Boars of Argad.
We are a steam group dedicated to competitive Tf2 Highlander (And in the future 6v6) gameplay.
We accept almost everyone to make sure that they either get a competitive team to play in, or have a good community to play lobbies, pubs, and possibly scrims with until they've found a team to main or sub in.

"But how can you accept everyone to just one team?"
Now that there's a good question! Because we're not just one team, we're a steam group dedicated to making teams and getting people to play competitively.

We currently have one team set up. They are Higher mid division.
We will also be making another mid team, and an open team soon! (They're almost done.)

Almost all player can have a spot in our group, and once you're officially in the group, depending on how active, competitive, and skilled you are, you'll get selected into a group. If not, you'll always have a big community of competitive players to play scrims, lobbies, and pubs with.
If we find out that any of our scrimming partners are in need of a player of some sort, we can always tip you over to their side.

We will be playing in; Competitive lobbies, ETF2L leagues, UGC Leagues, Scrims, and private pubs for you to train your skills in.

English is a requirement to be accepted into the group, but if there's a team that exists fully of players that speak your language, you're free to speak it with them alone, no problem!

The way we decide if you're worthy for our group is trough a recruitment process that has been made by us, it will test things like skill, competitive experience, and all sorts of other things.

This is the link to our steam group; http://steamcommunity.com/groups/BoarsofArgad

You'll have to invite the leader, Lawrence G P to be able to officially join the group, if you're officially accepted to the group, you'll have access to all things promised, we even have our own server for you to play in with other members!

His Steam Account; http://steamcommunity.com/id/LawrenceP/

So what are you waiting for? Just add him already and wait for him to work his ass off for all you good people!
(He loves it, seriously, like… that's his fetish)

If you're still not convinced to joining… well then I'll just give up and cry in a corner…
I'm just trying get people into competitive ;-;

See you on the battlefield!

Note; Due to an over abundance of these classes; Heavy, Sniper, Spy, Soldier. we are no longer taking the applications at the moment, though if you're able to play another class aside from spy, you're still more than welcome.

Why are we not? It is likely that there will be better players than you if you're not High or prem division.

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