ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSniperSoldier  Mid Skill, Highlander

European Boars of Argad

Posted by Lawrence G P: | Last Online:

Boars of Argad
We are the Boars of Argad, we raid and pillage your homes and take your families as slaves!
A competitive TF2 group here to have fun playing competitive matches.
Our tag is BOAR |

We are currently recruiting any and all classes, the best person of each class will be given a spot in our main highlander team, people that don't make the main team will be selected for the lesser teams, or otherwise the main UGC team.

We will also have teams for 6v6 and 3v3 in the future.
(3v3 is a game I made up, good for testing overall tf2 skills.)

We'd prefer if you are from Europe and can speak English fluently, if not, your chances to join our main highlander team are severely lowered.

We want a minimum of 18 members so that we can play private 9v9 matches against each-other for training, so multiple classes are more than welcome!

There will be a entry form on the group page for you to fill out, that way we will know if you're a valid addition to our team.

Link of the group; http://steamcommunity.com/groups/BoarsofArgad

Add me on steam, I don't always check the comments.
(with that I mean, do it, I seriously don't check them at all)

We currently have >20 members.
(the group on etf2l says there's only one member, that's because I don't invite trough etf2l)

No longer in need of spies, will open up once needed again. (Leave a comment if still interested though)

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  1. Lawrence G P said:

    Please don’t post your applies here, just contact me on steam directly.

  2. scrambled: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Start at open skill, having an internal double mix isn’t likely to happen.

    Use http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HighlanderTeamLeaders to help find team leaders, at least to begin with.

  3. b_fisch: Muss Los said:

    (3v3 is a game I made up, good for testing overall tf2 skills.)

    *cringes to death*

  4. Lawrence G P said:

    Scrambled, I’m only recruiting and putting people in teams that were already in mid teams or higher, people that are completely new will get their own team seperately.

  5. Lawrence G P said:

    Fisch, you may cringe, but you don’t even know what’s it about do you? ;p