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Medic  High Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom Honey Badger

Posted: | Last Online:

Kinda been looking for a hl team for a while, been enjoying it more and more, so add me if you want to trial me. Thanks

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:119224189 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left England [National Highlander Team] JoeN
Left England [National 6v6 Team] papi
Left wer das liest ist doof [6v6] schocky
Joined wer das liest ist doof [6v6] clip
Left Velocity eSports [6v6] Honey Badger
Joined England [National 6v6 Team] krafty
Joined Velocity eSports [6v6] nuze
Left IDONTMIND [LAN Team] Honey Badger
Left ghey [6v6] Honey Badger
Joined ghey [6v6] Eemes
Left Lemmings [6v6] Honey Badger
Joined England [National Highlander Team] cloudy
Joined Lemmings [6v6] Neeko
Left Velocity eSports [6v6] Honey Badger
Joined Velocity eSports [6v6] shappie
Left Lemmings [6v6] Neeko
Left a memory [2v2] damneasy
Joined a memory [2v2] damneasy
Left open_squad [Highlander] mezzo
Joined open_squad [Highlander] Zamparonie
Joined Lemmings [6v6] Neeko
Left Duck Party [6v6 Fun Team] Honey Badger
Left Team Infamous [6v6] Honey Badger
Joined IDONTMIND [LAN Team] Honey Badger
Left MAYHEM [LAN Team] Honey Badger
Joined Team Infamous [6v6] .
Left Team Colonslash: Frosties [Highlander] Honey Badger
Left Velocity eSports [6v6] Honey Badger
Joined Duck Party [6v6 Fun Team] JoeN
Left Alright gorgeous [6v6 Fun Team] Honey Badger
Joined Team Colonslash: Frosties [Highlander] MoistPenguin
Left Danger Gummi Bears [Highlander] Honey Badger
Joined Danger Gummi Bears [Highlander] .kr4tos
Left GODL MEDEL!! [Highlander] Honey Badger
Joined Alright gorgeous [6v6 Fun Team] Crayon
Left cheeky clubber Jack Brown [6v6 Fun Team] Honey Badger
Joined GODL MEDEL!! [Highlander] $neaky
Left lolhighlander [Highlander] Honey Badger
Joined cheeky clubber Jack Brown [6v6 Fun Team] Feyne
Joined MAYHEM [LAN Team] Coolbeans
Joined Velocity eSports [6v6] ixy
Joined lolhighlander [Highlander] ixy
Left B-HAVE [6v6] Honey Badger
Joined B-HAVE [6v6] Feyne
Left Hagrid eSports powered by Panda [2v2] Honey Badger
Left Team Colonslash: Frosties [Highlander] Honey Badger
Left Absent [6v6] Honey Badger
Joined Hagrid eSports powered by Panda [2v2] Mop
Left Shotgun Deny E-Sports [2v2] Honey Badger
Joined Shotgun Deny E-Sports [2v2] meth0d
Left Dream Chasers [2v2] Honey Badger
Joined Absent [6v6] hr
Left B-HAVE [6v6] Honey Badger
Joined Dream Chasers [2v2] ixy
Left Thebigitalianman [2v2] Honey Badger
Joined Thebigitalianman [2v2] Honey Badger
Left Bill Bailey's Bradford Brigade [6v6 Fun Team] Honey Badger
Left sanic [2v2] Honey Badger
Joined B-HAVE [6v6] Honey Badger
Left MAYHEM 6v6 [6v6] Honey Badger
Joined Team Colonslash: Frosties [Highlander] Coolbeans
Joined MAYHEM 6v6 [6v6] Duckie
Left 877-DEAD-NOW [6v6] Honey Badger
Joined sanic [2v2] jay
Left Soup-A-Stars [2v2] Honey Badger
Left Digital Alliance [Highlander] Honey Badger
Joined Soup-A-Stars [2v2] ☕ ED-E
Left Pyongyang Ballers [2v2] Honey Badger
Joined 877-DEAD-NOW [6v6] Honey Badger
Left Fagötter [6v6] Honey Badger
Joined Fagötter [6v6] garden
Joined Bill Bailey's Bradford Brigade [6v6 Fun Team] HATE
Joined Digital Alliance [Highlander] DevilHunter!
Left Accurate Luck [Highlander] Honey Badger
Joined Accurate Luck [Highlander] .
Left Digital Alliance [Highlander] Honey Badger
Left Symbol of the Fatherland's Unification [6v6] Honey Badger
Joined Pyongyang Ballers [2v2] ekkelund
Joined Digital Alliance [Highlander] DevilHunter!
Joined Symbol of the Fatherland's Unification [6v6] Matek
Left CRAaNK Gamers [6v6] Honey Badger
Joined CRAaNK Gamers [6v6] Honey Badger

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Prem 23 2255
View High 23 786
View High 31 1052
View Div 3/Div 4 11 437


  1. Feyne: NASA said:

    lol hl

  2. wardemon: myx said:

    better medic then feyne

  3. Maxi: BRIT said:


  4. Funs said:

    played high 6s
    can prob play high hl

    lol hl

  5. 4hp said:

    smart and good caller, ez high

  6. BoneSponge said:

    its good to see new players being ambitious about competitive team fortress 2, i hope you’ll be able to get a team and have fun in this division!

  7. hr said:

    Better than to waste his time with highlander, I’ve heard he is better than asa too, whoever that is

  8. Mop: notdoggo - hi im dog said:

    lol hl

  9. yak said:

    spanked my ass
    came on my face
    called me debra

    was a good experience +rep

  10. Zafus: BRIT said:

    Plays his main in MVM.

    So very keen.

  11. Raptor: BTWFC - S-O said:


  12. Bluee: TLR said:

    top terraria magic dm

  13. senzeN said:

    Cool dude, good calls, lol hl

  14. senzeN said:

    did I mention he’s a good medic?

  15. .: ti. - WiK? said:

    Excellent medic, too good for HL, too good for your shitty team probably.

  16. Greg said:

    certi cunt