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Spy  High Skill, Highlander

England RedSpark

Posted: | Last Online:


Played sub spy for Bureau last season, preferably looking for a main spot this season.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:156405185 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined The Complete Bankers [Highlander] UltimatePopcorn.
Left GODL MEDEL!! [Highlander] RedSpark
Joined The! Complete Bankers [6v6] Scottish Rasta
Left The Pack [6v6] RedSpark
Joined GODL MEDEL!! [Highlander] $neaky
Left The Bureau [Highlander] RedSpark
Joined The Pack [6v6] b_fisch
Left 100% SUN BEARS [6v6] RedSpark
Joined KAAWAAI KILLAHZ [6v6 Fun Team] Gigi
Joined 100% SUN BEARS [6v6] Bob Bami
Left Billy's Bandits [6v6] RedSpark
Joined The Bureau [Highlander] Chronos
Left The Complete Bankers [Highlander] RedSpark
Joined Billy's Bandits [6v6] Billy
Joined The Complete Bankers [Highlander] looseyleftie

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High 15 576
View High 5 434
View High 6 359
View Div 3 17 912
View Div 4/Div 5 13 627


  1. magic-mike said:

    can play high spy fun guy and all around nice person 2 play with
    he makes playing this game fun :)

  2. Chronos: BMS said:

    Ez high spy, works very well with a flank is excellent at coordinating with team mates <3

  3. 4hp said:

    good amby aim but actually plays spy instead of amby sniper so kudos for that

  4. Gregoravich: DADFITES - VaC said:

    great spy among shit ones lft. bit predictable in his invis play but hits good shots, great movement and decloaks ect. keen too

  5. looseyleftie: A Dillion said:

    Amazing pickup! Really communicative, gets the right picks, great aim. Snap him up!

  6. drew: -Xe- said:

    no matter which team, redspark is your spy.

  7. TheShowerFairy: MERKEL said:

    Friendliest person. laughs when he pipes u at pubs 10 /10 true gentleman voice

  8. Scottish Rasta said:

    Great spy to pick up, good on the flanks and communicates reall well.
    ez high

  9. cloudy said:

    Honestly one of the nicest people I’ve met as well as being a good spy.

  10. EksDi said:

    Wasted potential on anything other than a main spot in high

  11. RedSpark: $$$ - $$ said:

    Bump :)

  12. potte said:


  13. Piplup: TC said:

    very skilled, nice guy, pick him up :D

  14. RedSpark: $$$ - $$ said:

    Bump :D

  15. Domaytoe: (Certified Puntomime) - A51 - op_sqd said:

    nice guy, great spy, your pick for high

  16. Doom said:

    Good aim. Can do a lot of work.

  17. Banjo: ★~(◡‿◕✿) said:

    lad ily

  18. dias: ANIMA said:

    hes good , hes spy , hes good spy

  19. RedSpark: $$$ - $$ said:

    Bump :3

  20. dissy: Tissi said:

    .__O< quack

  21. RedSpark: $$$ - $$ said:

    Back from holidays :D -bummmp