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Spy  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, Highlander

England RedSpark

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey, I'm looking for a spy spot on a d4/5 team.

I am currently doing my second season of ugc steel but I have played against silver teams and done well.

I am friendly, laid back, wanting to improve and open to criticism.

Thanks :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:156405185 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined The Complete Bankers [Highlander] UltimatePopcorn.
Left GODL MEDEL!! [Highlander] RedSpark
Joined The! Complete Bankers [6v6] Scottish Rasta
Left The Pack [6v6] RedSpark
Joined GODL MEDEL!! [Highlander] $neaky
Left The Bureau [Highlander] RedSpark
Joined The Pack [6v6] b_fisch
Left 100% SUN BEARS [6v6] RedSpark
Joined KAAWAAI KILLAHZ [6v6 Fun Team] Gigi
Joined 100% SUN BEARS [6v6] Bob Bami
Left Billy's Bandits [6v6] RedSpark
Joined The Bureau [Highlander] Chronos
Left The Complete Bankers [Highlander] RedSpark
Joined Billy's Bandits [6v6] Billy
Joined The Complete Bankers [Highlander] looseyleftie

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View High 15 576
View High 5 434
View High 21 836
View High 6 359
View Div 3 17 912


  1. Fluff said:

    Ez div4 spy would highly recommend, is one of the main carries for shit ass UGC team 8) give him a nice home <3

  2. JoeTea said:

    Very strong player with a lot of potential. Has some very solid Spy mechanics and improves very quickly! A great pickup for any team and should have no problem in Div4, will provide good calls, good stabs and a friendly contribution to the mumble :>

  3. Max: Fusion said:

    Knows what to do as spy which is enough for d4 tbh.

  4. drew: -Xe- said:

    Cool guy, good spy

  5. cloudy said:

    Really solid spy, really nice guy, awesome potential lies here

  6. FrostByte said:

    great spy who is a nice lad + he has a shiny hat and can click heads 10/10 – easily div4

  7. magic-mike said:

    nice guy best spy i know (sorry Joe) has the mind set to get gold in like a season just need to play at a higher level

  8. b_fisch: Muss Los said:

    gets mentored by BIG JOETEA :P (but srsly,good videogamer div.4 ez)

  9. Bat: TC: Ox - TC said:

    uses revolver 0/10

  10. Red_Revoluti0n: _Revoluti0n - Revoluti0n said:

    realy good tf2 player with high ambitions. maybe the new stehbystehby?

  11. RedSpark: $$$ - $$ said:

    Bump. :)

  12. Lega said:

    I am looking to get into competitive as spy, i was in a team as demo that got cancelled just before the season.

    Anywho, I am a spy main who does alot of tf2centers and scrims as spy, very adaptable (revolver/amby. invis/dr etc)


  13. b_fisch: Muss Los said:

    ^thefuck does this guy do here