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Engineer  Open Skill, Highlander

International MonkY

Posted: | Last Online:


Now it's time to move on and stop playing pubs. I'm looking for a team that needs an Engineer main. I have alot of experience when it comes to this class.

If you need a engineer please let me know in the comments. You can also add me on steam (no private profile, and comment on my profile before hand).

Thank You!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:58381936 Add Friend

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Action Team By Date
Left Carbonage [6v6] MonkY
Joined Carbonage [6v6] johnson
Left Carbonade [6v6] MonkY
Joined Carbonade [6v6] johnson

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  1. MonkY said:


  2. MonkY said:


  3. Manus: fluffy said:

    gl :)

  4. chando said:

    Seen this guy in lobbies as engie. Absolute insane DM and a good amount of gamesense for a new comp player. Any open team should pick this guy up as engie, he will excel far above the other “average” engineers in Open.

  5. MonkY said:


  6. MonkY said:

    Still looking for a team if someone needs an Engie