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DemomanScoutSoldier  High Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Zesty

Posted: | Last Online:

I can multiclass sub. My exams finish Jun 2nd so I can't really play much if at all until then, but after that I can main if your team has a roster change etc. I pretty much press the w key and dm stuff in mixes if you know me from there, I do actually listen and restrain myself in scrims/officials.
Also I'm a terrible sniper please don't make me offclass to it holy shit.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:49974197 Add Friend

Team History

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Joined Turbo Teammates [6v6] hp
Left Velocity eSports [6v6] Zesty
Joined Velocity eSports [6v6] misha YB`g
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Joined Lemmings [6v6] Honey Badger
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Joined hit the bong [6v6 Fun Team] RaTSLaYeR
Left NeuTronas will be great again! [6v6 Fun Team] Zesty
Joined NeuTronas will be great again! [6v6 Fun Team] Demos
Joined Team Infamous [6v6] .
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Joined TROUT [6v6] jimb0t
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Joined MemeTech® Industries [6v6] spudd
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Joined Revoluzion la metagame [6v6] ilike2spin
Left Team Sodium by TF2Center.com [6v6] Zesty
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Joined North Korea [National Highlander Team] R4ndom
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Joined Team Sodium by TF2Center.com [6v6] TheFriendlyCow
Left Quality Control. [6v6] Zesty
Joined Quality Control. [6v6] Pilk
Left Flower Gaming [6v6] Zesty
Joined The Kirmani Family [Highlander] jimb0t
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Joined Lan Lifters [LAN Team] Hellblazer
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Left Putismagic [Highlander] Zesty
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Joined Asterisky Plays [6v6] Indivicivet
Joined Putismagic [Highlander] Zesty

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  1. Condawg: DTR said:

    luv u bro

  2. molesto: (ETF2L Donator) - ff4r - said:

    has corrupted me forever ;_;

  3. Thaigrr said:

    I dont know what to say….besides this story…

    Hi my name ish Marissa Roberts and I was doing tests with that other gurl Chell but she escaped. Glados had captured me in the science lab places and made me do bad tests. There was no thing fun bout thetests an Glaods would never let me sleep or eat or bathroom or any thing.

    “FOR THE NEXT TEST YUO WILL WORK WITH ROBOTS!” Glados screemed to me. Some robots came out of weird tubes and looked at me and I looked at them. The robos were one a blue ball an the other was a orange line thing. “THERE NAMES ARE ALTAS AN P-BOY NOW LEAF ME ALONE IM SAD.” Then Glados started to listen to some Avril Lavinge music and cry. Ever sinse she realized she was a humon before she became a goth emo and was always gettin on my nerves.

    “Hi b**** we are here to test you.” Atlas shrugged (GET IT IT’S A MOVIE!). I was shocked at the bad words and glared to Altas. P-Bod was just starin’ at my bobs so I kicked him his robot place. That made him angry so he shot a portal at me and made me fall into it over and over and P-Boy and Altas were lolling at me. Altas took out some drugs and he an P-Boy STARTED TO SMOKE them. I was fedup with all of portal labs and jumped from teh portals. I ladled onto my lung fall boots and glared mean at Altas and P-Boy.

    I was soooooooo mad at those jerks for portalling me an calling me a b**** (AN not even gonna say that word LOL) so I portaled them too and I saw how they like it they didant. Altas angered at me an P-Boy said “You broked are drugs now you will pay!” Ann he punched me right in the face! I started cryin from the pain and those jerks just lolled at me an tried to beat me up some more with there portal gunz.

    Sereal ours later I was cryin in a pool of blood while THOSE JERK ROBTS did more drugs and drank beer an past out. All I wanted was my companion coob to comfort me but Glados was makin it do other tests an we didn’t see eachother in moths. But most off all I wanted Wheetly. He was the only nice robot I ever met an he had a super sexay British aksent, but Glados body turned him evil an he got shot in space by Chell. I rubbed my stomach and rembered my secret. Noone knows this, but Wheetly an I shared one secret night together an now I could tell I was pregnant with his robot ball/human baby.

    There was a window above me an I looked out an saw the moon where Wheetly was. I missed him so much like a guy I missed a bunch. Tears droped down my face so Altas an P=boy started lolling at me again an calling me names like “Fat Uguly B****!” I stared rite at their lauffin’ feces and said my first words!

    “OMFG YOU GUYZ ARE SOOOOOOO RUDE I HATE YOU!” An I ranned off holdin my portol gun in one hand an holding nothing in my other hand because it was empty. My hare was streaming behind me an all the robots were saying how pretty an hot I was so I yelled at them too an said a lot of cusses so they stopped yellin at me. “Why cant I jus be a normal girl going to high school an have a boyfriend that isn’t space lost!” I cried an hugged the place were the baby was going to be was.

    There was a strange noise coming from the necks room and I looked in a saw…. Glados was cutting herself! “CHELL IM SOOOOOO SORRY I NEVER TOLD YOU YOR SISTER’S NAME IS REALLY MARISSA ROBERTS AN SHE HAVE SPESHUL POWERS AN CAN SAVE THE WORLD IF SHE BELEEVES!” Then robot blood started goin everwhere and I realized that….. Glados had sewisided!111!1!


    Also he is good at videogames.

  4. nuze: BTWFC - bobs said:

    Can dm at a high level on every class, listens as well, good gamer

  5. kasabubu said:

    great dm pipes

  6. Zesty: (blaster) - open - bobs said:

    Bumping as I’m available to main now :)