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Demoman  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Zesty

Posted: | Last Online:

Decided to leave my team/we folded because we couldn't get any practice due to conflicting schedules between team members. rip :(
Would still be keen to play demo in d4 this season. D6 history only, I know, but I do know what I'm doing. Have been playing mixes with d4 and above players for ages but would like to get more practice in an actual regular team environment in a middling div. I can shoot stickies and pipes at enemy gamers and damage them, I also have decent rudimentary gamesense although I wouldn't really want to maincall as my overall teamstrats are not the best and I don't have much experience of it.
I'm notorious for having really shitty internet but it's actually rarely a problem and really won't be a problem by wk2 of the season as I'll be back at uni. My schedule is fairly flexible.
I think that's everything, if you're interested hit me up on steam. I know it's right before signups close so if I don't get a offer of demo I can also play sub for most classes (scout is probably my worst, but I can still play it ok on occassion).

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:49974197 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Turbo Teammates [6v6] hp
Left Velocity eSports [6v6] Zesty
Joined Velocity eSports [6v6] misha YB`g
Left SUAVE [6v6] Zesty
Joined SUAVE [6v6] smziii
Left Lemmings [6v6] Neeko
Joined Lemmings [6v6] Honey Badger
Left Team Infamous [6v6] Zesty
Joined hit the bong [6v6 Fun Team] RaTSLaYeR
Left NeuTronas will be great again! [6v6 Fun Team] Zesty
Joined NeuTronas will be great again! [6v6 Fun Team] Demos
Joined Team Infamous [6v6] .
Left TROUT [6v6] Zesty
Joined TROUT [6v6] jimb0t
Left Lemmings [6v6] Zesty
Joined the meme council (brits) [Highlander] hp
Left The Kirmani Family [Highlander] Zesty
Left The Dumping Ground [6v6 Fun Team] Zesty
Joined Lemmings [6v6] Neeko
Left MemeTech® Industries [6v6] Zesty
Joined MemeTech® Industries [6v6] spudd
Left المزاح الأساسي [6v6] Zesty
Joined المزاح الأساسي [6v6] Zesty
Left Revoluzion la metagame [6v6] Zesty
Joined Revoluzion la metagame [6v6] ilike2spin
Left Team Sodium by TF2Center.com [6v6] Zesty
Left Lol yeah ok [1v1] Zesty
Joined Lol yeah ok [1v1] Zesty
Joined North Korea [National Highlander Team] R4ndom
Joined The Dumping Ground [6v6 Fun Team] gouldie
Left SimplyShreddedBrah [6v6 Fun Team] Zesty
Joined Team Sodium by TF2Center.com [6v6] TheFriendlyCow
Left Quality Control. [6v6] Zesty
Joined Quality Control. [6v6] Pilk
Left Flower Gaming [6v6] Zesty
Joined The Kirmani Family [Highlander] jimb0t
Joined SimplyShreddedBrah [6v6 Fun Team] Hellblazer
Joined Lan Lifters [LAN Team] Hellblazer
Joined Flower Gaming [6v6] Handrew
Left Putismagic [Highlander] Zesty
Left Asterisky Plays [6v6] Zesty
Joined Asterisky Plays [6v6] Indivicivet
Joined Putismagic [Highlander] Zesty

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  1. darkfigure1: peace said:

    wat a gamer

  2. Casino said:

    Nice guy, good demonstrations man, would probably do fine in div 4 so pick him up already!

  3. Thaigrr said:

    Easily div 4, with a push a decent div 3 demo.
    Give him a good caller and he will do work, really nice guy good comms and can have a laugh with him.

  4. nuze: BTWFC - bobs said:

    Played a lot with Zesty, super awesome dude and keen gamer. Great potential as demo, could really thrive under a strong maincaller but will do well in d4 regardless.

  5. moursi: (Big Poppa) - bobs said:

    div 4 should be fine.

    Also my favorite person in tf2

  6. Russian Guyovich: (Surging Meat Cable) - [T-A!]LoS said:


  7. D!: BB said:

    lol will rape d4, should try d3

  8. Skive said:

    Can do d4 easily,has sick pipes and very nice guy to play with :D

  9. ozzi said:

    Sick Pips, DM lord Please pick him up. He will rape D4 ez

  10. Handrew: swole. - BANTER! said:

    Sound guy, can have a laugh, solid player, can easily go div4

    RIP. Asterisky & who isn’t

  11. crazycalumrock: ITIFY - JaR said:
