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EngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSoldierSpy  Open Skill, Highlander

European Road to Pub Skillz

Posted by Dr.Shady: | Last Online:

Looking for people maining Scout, soldier, pyro, heavy, engineer, medic, spy
Add Dr.Shady if interested in joining

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  1. DereK: tbag said:

    Add me for soldier

  2. ¡AL TURRÓN! said:

    OK, hello, my name is ¡AL TURRÓN! and i have played 60 lobbies almost all as pyro and I’d like to start competitive tf2 this season.

    -I am 15 years old but I hope that is not a problem for me to join.
    -I have mumble and I try to be there all lobbies as i can.
    -My level of English maybe isnt very fluent but I understand well and I can improve.
    -Maybe it’s the first season i play so I don’t really mind to be sub if you find a better pyro.

    I can play on Mondays from 16:00 to 18:30(maybe I won’t be there one Monday), Fridays all the afternoon and also on Saturdays but I could fail you if I’m going sightseeing near my city.

  3. kxz01 said:

    Medic’s here ;)

  4. jukebox said:

    hey my name is hjalmar and i would like to join i dont care really what i play i am 11 years old hope thats not a problem if there is something i have to download tell me and im not the greatest person on english and im new the ETF2L

  5. jukebox said:

    btw my name is jukebox on steam

  6. jukebox said:

    i cant find you on steam

  7. jukebox said:

    i can engi

  8. Seishi: «π» said:

    In case you’d like an all-round sub!

  9. ZANSKAR said:

    hello, i would like a scout/sniper trial:
    1253 hours in game and 153 with scout and 143 with sniper
    add me if interested

    _ℒℱ_ZANSKAR my nickname add me on steam