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Soldier  Mid Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Greg

Posted: | Last Online:

It's been a while since I last played tf2, but I have recently moved which means I have some more time available some evenings so I'm toying with playing tf2 again.

For those of you who don't know who I am, I used to play for infused as scout in prem a fair few seasons ago.

I am looking to play roaming soldier, can play pocket if need be, but I'd rather not get drawn into calling the shots.

Preferably I'm looking for a group of friends/community that have fun with each other outside of tf2 as well as inside the game. If you're keen I can mentor the team a bit, but really I just want to relax on evenings when I'm not busy.

My schedule is very up in the air – generally I don't know my availability until the week before due to work.

Add me on steam or reply to me here and I will get back in contact with you.

Many thanks

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:1042154 Add Friend

Team History

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Joined I Wanna Be Like CX [6v6] CommanderX
Left TwistedPlay [6v6] Greg
Joined TwistedPlay [6v6] WOODY[
Left Sol Invictus [6v6] Greg
Joined TEZC Highlander! [Highlander] Vitto
Left TEZC Highlander! [Highlander] Vitto
Joined TEZC Highlander! [Highlander] Matt
Left Monkeys vs Robots [Highlander] Greg
Joined Sol Invictus [6v6] Sult4n
Left All Tied Up [6v6] Greg
Left England [National Highlander Team] Hildreth
Left England [National 6v6 Team] byte
Joined All Tied Up [6v6] Greg
Left 2-shot Xavier and the scrubs [6v6] Greg
Joined 2-shot Xavier and the scrubs [6v6] Greg
Left 9 Men [6v6] Greg
Joined 9 Men [6v6] Greg
Left Damage Control [6v6] ilike2spin
Joined Damage Control [6v6] Greg
Left TwistedPlay [6v6] Greg
Joined TwistedPlay [6v6] Greg
Left smooth criminals [6v6] Greg
Joined dafuq [6v6 Fun Team] Greg
Joined England [National 6v6 Team] Greg
Joined smooth criminals [6v6] Greg
Left TCM Gaming [6v6] Greg
Joined England [National Highlander Team] Greg
Joined TCM Gaming [6v6] Greg
Left Team Infused [6v6] Greg
Joined Monkeys vs Robots [Highlander] Greg
Joined Team Infused [6v6] Greg
Left TwistedPlay. [6v6] Greg
Joined TwistedPlay. [6v6] Menace
Left Team Infused [6v6] Greg
Joined Team Infused [6v6] SoniX
Left TCM Gaming [6v6] skinnie
Joined TCM Gaming [6v6] numlocked
Left TwistedPlay [6v6] Greg
Joined TwistedPlay [6v6] Greg

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  1. Nagi said:


  2. tobs: LIDL said:

    one does simply not quit tf2

  3. rockie said:


  4. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    Oh boi

  5. Coleman: TEZC - TEZC said:


  6. misha YB`g said:


  7. moursi: (Big Poppa) - bobs said:


  8. torrit said:


  9. kane: Seagulls said:


  10. TurboTabs: (Classy) - BEER said:


  11. T0m: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    the bushman returns

  12. Gubbins said:


  13. foungi: 0fo - 0FO said:

    sounds gay as fuck but that fragvid freezer made of you (and i46) was what got me into comp. nice to see you come back and gl finding a cool team

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