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Demoman  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Turkey WrytXander

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey, I'm looking to join a (preferably) div 6 team for next season. I'm looking for a team that:
Scrims 2 or 3 times a week
Has promising potential
Is not made up of assholes!

+2000 hours in TF2, 290+ hours on demoman
180+ lobbies played, in about half of which I played demo both hl and 6s
have played mixes and done mercing
My pipes are good as heck
I have decent gamesense
Need practice with rollouts but I'm not absolutely horrendous

Pretty much it. Add me and we'll chat about your team and me and TF2 and other things.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:107590595 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Deceive [Highlander] WrytXander
Joined Deceive [Highlander] Squig
Left Socialized Cranium Protection Insurance [Highlander] WrytXander
Joined Socialized Cranium Protection Insurance [Highlander] WrytXander

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  1. Demos: MSFT - UNI said:

    You’re too good for div 6 but its a good way to start.

  2. potte said:

    Sen kimsin gardaş

  3. marabu said:

    +rep can shittalk after a match

  4. WrytXander said:

    Oh yeah im the best at that as well

  5. Le Steve said:

    This guy is the shiz. Will carry all div 6. Just pick him if you want a fun easy season :D

  6. AmirBonk: whjat+ said:

    Really cool dude, easy div6

  7. DereK: tbag said:

    Kimsin lo