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MedicSniper  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, Highlander

Norway Pistolvania

Posted: | Last Online:


Had trials coming up when I return from summer vacations planned, but team folded it seems.

Gone a bit tired of sniper, but hopefully a good challenge at D1/prem level will fix that.
Apart from that I'd rather be a combo player. Don't have any solid HL experience as a medic to refer to, but I know what to do, want to call and got the mechanics down. Played 3 seasons of 6s medic up to D2.

Given the chance I'd also tryhard demo alot if I can get to play it at D2 level, but I have no proper experience except 900 hours of demo in pubs and lobbies. I don't wanna come across as cocky by just jumping into high divs, but I'd want to play serious and improve lots – and I have the gamesense for it if anything 8).

Please be nice guys – a good atmosphere and communicative people makes tf2 very enjoyable. I can play everyday when I come home from vacations the 15th.


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:54401270 Add Friend

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  1. Snooki: VDOH said:


    Good-ish sniper
    Ok-ish medic

    mejico mejico mejico!!!! Annette <3

  2. rech said:

    BESTER MANN! Div 1 material at LEAST!

    Pick this norwegian up already.

  3. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    hes a real sexpistol

  4. hrbls said:

    Solid sniper. And from what i’ve seen a decent medic as well.

  5. teej! said:

    sick snip

  6. BoneSponge said:

    god of Ada’s capable sniper and should be able to pickup hl med easily

  7. Spade said:

    gud sniper

  8. Pistolvania said:

    Bump. Back from vacations

  9. Baron One-Eye: KHUULIYO said:

    Does shoot headshots. Idk about medic

  10. Raptor: BTWFC - S-O said:

    If you have this guy as Sniper, dont even worry about the enemy sniper a second cause the other sniper is down in just a sec
    Has a lot of experience and has a big potential as med, PLS PICK HIM UP BEFORE I HAVE TO DO IT

  11. Boob Lee: NERD - 0FO said:

    Great sniper, will probably make a hell of a medic or demo even, as well.

  12. NightWing94 said:

    One of the best snipers! Pick him up asap!

  13. sinr said:

    His personality is really great, he will always make you laugh. He’s clever with his plays and is stronk