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Medic  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Norway Pistolvania

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking to get prepared well on time for s18.

Played 2 more or less full seasons of 6s, won our div6 group as medic, got 3rd in div5 s17 as backup medic / scout. Still got to play almost every match as either one, but I prefer medic way over scout, so looking to fully get back into that.

About me:
-Soon to be 17 year old.
-Norwegian, fluent English.
-4000 hrs of tf2.

I like to maincall; got a load of strats and I am kinda fond of making sure things go my way. I'm usually pretty energetic and friendly. Don't mind if the team is already a well-established one or a newly formed team as long as people are non-ragey and have relevant experience. Looking for a good time and looking to win 8).

Note that I also put quite a bit of time and effort into HL, but I can play every day, with limited time on Thursdays. I main sniper though, so I know how to dodge them, heh.

Hit me up :>

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:54401270 Add Friend

Team History

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Left Norway [National Highlander Team] Vetleaks
Left inVision [Highlander] STiNGHAN
Joined inVision [Highlander] STiNGHAN
Left Ragnarokr [Highlander] Pistolvania
Joined Ragnarokr [Highlander] Scissors
Left The Bureau [Highlander] Pistolvania
Left 66 Degrees North [6v6] Emancipator
Joined The Bureau [Highlander] Chronos
Left Biggus Dickus [Highlander] Pistolvania
Joined 66 Degrees North [6v6] Pling
Left Less Than Three [6v6] Pistolvania
Joined Less Than Three [6v6] Chronos
Joined Biggus Dickus [Highlander] this is evil evil
Left ResidentSleeper [Highlander] Pistolvania
Left Big Baguettes powered by cobz.tf [6v6] Pistolvania
Joined ResidentSleeper [Highlander] Nik
Left The Dugong SuperSquad [Highlander] Pistolvania
Joined Big Baguettes powered by cobz.tf [6v6] Graba
Left MAFIA [6v6] Pistolvania
Joined The Dugong SuperSquad [Highlander] blooztah
Left Voodooh [Highlander] Pistolvania
Joined The DugongSuperSquad [6v6 Fun Team] blooztah
Joined MAFIA [6v6] TaylorSwiftFan100
Left Lapskaus sponset av NAV elSport [6v6] Pistolvania
Joined Voodooh [Highlander] Snooki
Left The Dugong SuperSquad [Highlander] Pistolvania
Joined Norway [National Highlander Team] fanny_filth
Joined Lapskaus sponset av NAV elSport [6v6] qnx
Left Elgfare! [6v6] Pistolvania
Joined Elgfare! [6v6] Zimmer
Left No Johns [6v6] Pistolvania
Joined No Johns [6v6] TaylorSwiftFan100
Left No more tf2 [6v6] Pistolvania
Joined No more tf2 [6v6] Pistolvania
Joined The Dugong SuperSquad [Highlander] Pistolvania
Left The Joke's On Us [Highlander] Pistolvania
Left Pineapple Train [6v6] Pistolvania
Joined Pineapple Train [6v6] Pistolvania
Joined The Joke's On Us [Highlander] Pistolvania

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View Div 2/Div 3 51 1278


  1. sinr said:


  2. Morphine: (Cat Enthusiast) - 一一═デ︻ said:

    wasting your aim playing medic mate

  3. Pistolvania said:

    Chilling my aim* :p
    And trust me, I am not a very good scout, so I just end up permasniping.

    Klaudia: ludder.

  4. jakeowaty said:

    That’s new. :P

  5. Popcorp said:

    -Soon to be 17 year old.

    He’s secretly 23

  6. BoneSponge said:

    good sniper

  7. sinr said:


  8. Ggamefreak22 said:

    Does prob damage with the crossbow than an offclassing scout

  9. Ggamefreak22 said:

    *prob more

  10. Pistolvania said:

    Yeah, I’ve gotten some nice feedback on my arrows :>

    I am still open for trials btw. Been playing a lot with a team I feel really comfortable with, but players are away until the 29th, so we are slightly inactive atm. Also had 2 planned trials, but things seem to be taking a while on their end. Wouldn’t mind checking how the opportunities look, but given the chance I will most likely settle with my german amigos.
