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ScoutSniper  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Norway botman

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi, lft again because our team died. I'm looking for a team that is active – plays several days a week. I'm capable of offclassing sniper too. I will keen it if I enjoy it.

Just add me, thank you for your time.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:22120398 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Norway [National Highlander Team] Vetleaks
Joined Norway [National Highlander Team] Yxxo
Left Norway [National Highlander Team] Vetleaks
Left CRAZYBWAII Clan [Highlander] Yxxo
Left Tracksuit Boys [6v6] Pete_
Joined CRAZYBWAII Clan [Highlander] Yxxo
Joined Tracksuit Boys [6v6] Pete_
Left Electro Dance Madrid [6v6] botman
Joined Electro Dance Madrid [6v6] Pete_
Left Gamsjaga eSports [6v6] Pete_
Joined Gamsjaga eSports [6v6] Pete_
Left ResidentSleeper [Highlander] Nik
Joined Sigma [6v6 Fun Team] Freakie
Left 20$yl Remix [6v6] botman
Left Sigma [6v6 Fun Team] botman
Joined ResidentSleeper [Highlander] Fuxx
Left Team-Awesome! [Highlander] botman
Left Sigi Michel und die Goldgräber Guccigang [2v2] Pete_
Joined Sigi Michel und die Goldgräber Guccigang [2v2] Pete_
Joined Norway [National Highlander Team] fanny_filth
Joined 20$yl Remix [6v6] Tuto
Left Elgfare! [6v6] botman
Joined Team-Awesome! [Highlander] Russian Guyovich
Joined Sigma [6v6 Fun Team] Freakie
Joined Elgfare! [6v6] botman
Left Sigma [6v6 Fun Team] botman
Left Let's play eSports [6v6] botman
Left Stigmacked & Jim eSports Team [6v6 Fun Team] botman
Joined Sigma [6v6 Fun Team] Freakie
Left Kill Switch [Highlander] botman
Joined Stigmacked & Jim eSports Team [6v6 Fun Team] botman
Joined Let's play eSports [6v6] HartzFartz
Left Sectorial [6v6] botman
Joined Kill Switch [Highlander] EmilioEstevez
Left Sigma [6v6 Fun Team] botman
Joined Sectorial [6v6] botman
Left Transösophageale_Echokardiographie [6v6] botman
Joined Transösophageale_Echokardiographie [6v6] botman
Left T-A!: BraveBodyshot [6v6] botman
Joined Sigma [6v6 Fun Team] botman
Left Team-Awesome! [Highlander] botman
Joined T-A!: BraveBodyshot [6v6] botman
Joined Team-Awesome! [Highlander] botman

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 3/Div 4 5 414
View Div 4 6 500
View Div 1/Div 2 25 882
View Div 5 3 369
View Div 3 0 228
View Div 3/Div 4 0 201


  1. BoneSponge said:

    unsure bout gamesense, but his dm is easily div 3 :)

  2. Fuxx said:

    fine addition to any team

    also an autist

  3. botman said:

    @bonesponge: my mix gamesense beats yours :V

  4. botman said:

    actually I don’t even

  5. omnibombulator: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Does damage is good

  6. scatmo: 27/2 said:

    pretty good :)

  7. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    norwegian superteam incoming

  8. Kermit: G - sniper said:

    Good scout and good sniper, given the right team would do perfectly fine in div 3.

  9. Xearo: GTD said:


  10. ThaZimmer said:

    Superb scout, superb guy. Give him a home.

  11. quintosh: ITIFY - op_sqd said:

    b 0 t z