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Looking for a UGC team for highlander, I prefer to play soldier over demo but I could do either, wants atleast a team that competes in silver or a spot in a gold team if someone wants to try me out, add me to chat I got decent rockets and okey jumps for what I need atm.
I would like a team thats fun to play with but still takes the game seriously.
just add me if you got questions, easier for me heh.
User Profile | SteamID: U:1:50955464Team History
Previous Recruitment Posts
View | Skill | Classes | Views | Added | |
View | Div 4/Div 5 | 3 | 194 | ||
View | Div 4/Div 5 | 12 | 564 | ||
View | Div 6 | 1 | 224 | ||
View | Div 6 | 2 | 221 |
He’s a really friendly guy. Good luck:D
Really bad at csgo, prefers shotgun over ak47, he can play rocket shooter man pretty well though
Fucks bitches and eats meatballs.
Sick Demo. Sicker Solly.
Pick him up.
Pretty good
Never seen him play Demo, but a great solly can easily handle Div 4
rly good bomber with solly and demo. cand handle god ezily
can handle gold*
very friendly guy and a strong pick up for div3 hl teams as soldier. can play easily div4 as demo too imo, good luck :)
good player though
rofl p90 noob
Didnt find out yet why he pretends to be drunk all the Time but he is Actually Not Bad at tf2. Id say high d4 as solly, lower-ish DIV 4 as Demo. But then again, i am pretty Sure he could improve Rather quickly if he wasnt raping valve Servers 24/7. so yeah give him a go.
Genuinely Nice as well!
#livin on the smugg side of life
still looking!
listens to this while playing tf2
10/10 would bang again
knows a lot about the game, communicates well with the team, d4 2ez
big scrub don’t pick up cos we need him thanks
Huge fagget but I love him and hes great