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Soldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Romania Bonus

Posted: | Last Online:

I missed the start of season 17 because of internet problems so I subbed for a while then changed teams to finish a season with the guys in hexadon before the team broke. I am looking for a team to stick with for a while.. I play roamer and I feel confortable at div4 level. I'd rather play there, maybe div3 if someone thinks I am good enough. Am I?

About me:
-More experience with div5 than I want
-1 season of steel highlander.
-Many mixes with/against div4/5 players/teams.
-+2 GMT
-Active and dedicated, I try to mix/play every day.
-I know how to call what to call when to call.
-Pretty aggressive gameplay.

What I'd like from a team:
-Active and dedicated team that won't fold after a bad match or season. Read this twice, I am really tired of this happening.
-A team which will practice at least 3-4 days a week, more is appreciated.
-Fun to hang out with. I would rather not join a team in which the members barely talk with each other.

Idk man, it's like I can't find a good group of people to play with anymore :c. Add me or something.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:83575838 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Hugs.tf [6v6] squirrel_BVC
Joined Hugs.tf [6v6] squirrel_BVC
Left Viva La Copycats [6v6] Philip
Left Emotional Boys 2001 [6v6 Fun Team] Bonus
Joined Viva La Copycats [6v6] Collaide
Left Fagötter [6v6] unabled
Joined Emotional Boys 2001 [6v6 Fun Team] fiend
Joined Fagötter [6v6] unabled
Left [T-A!] Div Shesh [6v6] Bonus
Joined [T-A!] Div Shesh [6v6] CapricorN
Left qwer1234 [6v6] Bonus
Joined qwer1234 [6v6] mantas
Left Pandas [6v6] Bonus
Joined Pandas [6v6] FridgE
Left Not Obviously Hatless [6v6] Bonus
Joined Not Obviously Hatless [6v6] Bonus
Left Doctrinal [6v6] Bonus
Joined Kool Kids Klan [1v1] Bonus
Left Wu-Tang Highlander [Highlander] Bonus
Joined Doctrinal [6v6] Bonus
Joined Wu-Tang Highlander [Highlander] Bonus
Left Theoretical Gamers [Highlander] Bonus
Left T-A!: BraveBodyshot [6v6] Bonus
Joined Theoretical Gamers [Highlander] Bonus
Joined T-A!: BraveBodyshot [6v6] Bonus
Left Karn e-Sports Prestige [6v6] GuessePT
Joined Karn e-Sports Prestige [6v6] Bonus
Left EliteGaming [6v6] Bonus
Joined EliteGaming [6v6] Bonus

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 4 8 480
View Div 4/Div 5 16 553
View Div 4/Div 5 6 609
View Div 4 9 641
View Div 4 5 331
View Div 4/Div 5 0 195
View Div 5 15 629
View Div 5/Div 6 0 246
View Div 5/Div 6 0 210
View Div 5/Div 6 1 252


  1. FonexiA said:


  2. deth said:

    best roamer looking for div4 atm
    steals iron for a hobby

  3. Bonus said:

    been 5 days lawl. Hi.

  4. Bonus said:

    been 6 days, lawl. Hi.

  5. Bonus said:

    lol 7 dayz. I am still looking.

  6. sinr said:

    carries div5
    super strong gamesense, he gets the job done at the right times

  7. Bonus said:

    I still want a team. Why is it so hard? :c

  8. Shape said:


  9. General CaspeR: YH said:

    capable fapable amazing player and a really cool fella!
    should check him out!

  10. Bonus said:

    Bump, kind of lost hope tho.

  11. garden said:

    get this man a team

  12. Bonus said:

    I almost forgot about this. Hi. I might also play scout this season if I can’t find a team as solly. :-s

  13. tavi: hoes said:

    top nigga get him team asap or he will steal your thing lawl lawl
