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MedicScoutSoldier  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Germany peezy

Posted: | Last Online:

scout d4
solly d3
med d3

good calls, good dm, willing to improve
not always the calmest person however usually Ima nice guy
doesnt matter whether your team is english/german
for the offchance of your team looking for two scouts, I coulda get you two
also my voice is fucking beautiful and so is my singing, dont you ever doubt that

add me up

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:51399718 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Midpander [6v6] peezy
Joined Midpander [6v6] Sivik
Left Butzbach, Erwachsenenvollzug [6v6] peezy
Joined road work ahead [2v2] Max
Joined Butzbach, Erwachsenenvollzug [6v6] jekeb
Left TURNUP [6v6] peezy
Joined TURNUP [6v6] TaylorSwiftFan100
Left TURNUP ON LAN [LAN Team] peezy
Left jung, brutal, gutaussehend [2v2] peezy
Left Ebola Esports [Highlander] peezy
Left Badhoven [1v1] peezy
Left Samski Fanclub *swoon* [6v6] peezy
Joined Samski Fanclub *swoon* [6v6] TaylorSwiftFan100
Left Velocity eSports [6v6] misha YB`g
Joined Velocity eSports [6v6] ixy
Left TURNUP [6v6] peezy
Joined TURNUP ON LAN [LAN Team] TaylorSwiftFan100
Joined TURNUP [6v6] TaylorSwiftFan100
Left MAFIA [6v6] peezy
Joined Ebola Esports [Highlander] TaylorSwiftFan100
Joined MAFIA [6v6] TaylorSwiftFan100
Left Dicht Rasiert und Geschäumt [Highlander] peezy
Left Sector-7 [6v6] peezy
Joined Sector-7 [6v6] MEGAMIDDIE
Left No Johns [6v6] peezy
Joined No Johns [6v6] TaylorSwiftFan100
Left sit down trader [6v6] peezy
Joined sit down trader [6v6] vUUZ
Joined Dicht Rasiert und Geschäumt [Highlander] wlad
Left eaglegang [6v6] peezy
Left POP it, I still drop it [Highlander] peezy
Joined POP it, I still drop it [Highlander] Carbonated
Joined eaglegang [6v6] TaylorSwiftFan100
Left Colour Show [6v6] peezy
Left The Dugong SuperSquad [Highlander] blooztah
Joined Colour Show [6v6] JudiciousClown
Left eaglegang [6v6] peezy
Joined eaglegang [6v6] TaylorSwiftFan100
Left eaglegang [6v6] peezy
Joined jung, brutal, gutaussehend [2v2] peezy
Left Milchschnittenmördergang [2v2] peezy
Joined The Dugong SuperSquad [Highlander] peezy
Joined eaglegang [6v6] peezy
Left Swagmob Soldiers [6v6] peezy
Joined Badhoven [1v1] peezy
Joined Milchschnittenmördergang [2v2] peezy
Joined Swagmob Soldiers [6v6] peezy
Left Swagmob Soldiers [6v6] peezy
Joined Swagmob Soldiers [6v6] peezy
Left Herbs Army Second Squad [6v6] peezy
Joined Herbs Army Second Squad [6v6] peezy
Left apex [6v6] Pampersrocker
Joined apex [6v6] peezy

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  1. blakku2478: mocno - BowDown said:

    #FBL powah! also good playah.

  2. Max: AoD said:

    one of the best players i have ever seen playing as soldier, can easily handle d3 in dm and gamesense maybe d2 with a good team.

    As to his personality im very happy i got to know him back in the good old herbs army times and i wouldnt want to miss him. He can be a little bit exhausting but i still love him #nohomo


  3. hro: EE said:

    probably the best singing you´ll find in etf2l, other than that… STOP AIRSHOTING SCRUBS

  4. raider: NEM - lol hl said:

    great person,pretty good dm,enough for d3 and he can sing like eminem… or even better

  5. bloodcake said:

    2500 mge elo on every mge server ever … top d3 get him ! hes limited edition

  6. TaylorSwiftFan100: Pander said:

    best guy, hit a crit airshot once
    makes me rq when i mge him solly vs med
    just take him

  7. korbb: lol hl said:

    great dm, good pocket and brilliant medic – could probably go div 2 with good team. He was my pocket for a bit so I know he is pro, also top ranking on ammomod mge

    nice voice and can sing well, du bist ein mann


  8. Setsul: 50829 said:

    Got 2500 MGE elo with 100ms interp.
    Uses 15.2ms now.
    Either pick him up or get wrecked by him.

    nuff said

  9. Lucky-Sun: r86 said:

    pro nigga is pro , trial raght now he’s eating too much kfc

  10. eS said:

    just pick him, will carry i promise

  11. FloPy: wd - WD said:

    pick this guys or i will find you and i will kill you :3

  12. rageOmate said:

    Really cool guy, sick plays i tell ya, best solly ive seen in my live.
    In germany we say he is a very “geil” guy, for real.
    Get him!

  13. KraKen said:

    Fucking amazing player, 2guddmmge3hurd any div is possible for him

  14. Pat: MAFIA said:

    more than 2k mge points
    good calls
    nice guy

    pick him!

  15. JudiciousClown: C-Lak said:

    +has good shoot skills
    +can call
    -is german
    -ammomod tryhard

  16. lacrimosa said:


  17. wlad said:


  18. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    DM king