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Scout  Prem Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Pennyfarming

Posted: | Last Online:

Well this has been a long time coming but….

I just merced for Epsilon, a Prem team if you didn't already know and I think i did alright.

No you know what I did better than alright I did great so I think now is the right time for me to finally put my neck out on the line and apply to a Premium team.

Now if you think I am just being egotistical please restrain yourselves and see the evidence I will now post below before you make up your minds.


The Logs :

First game Granary, http://logs.tf/124967

Second game Snakewater, http://logs.tf/125017


The quotes from supporters after I linked them my Logs :

"wait, if you can keep up with epsi, why do you play in d3? :D"

"20:48 – bLoodSire-AA-: not bad"

"20:47 – kushjuice720: i am your fan
20:48 – kushjuice720: to be fair youre probably better than zebbo"

"20:49 – Decerto.Ozone sheepy: still better
20:49 – Decerto.Ozone sheepy: than smzi"

"20:48 – Sonny Black #ESEA: <- not caring"

"20:49 – Pathetic One: gratz! you did about as much dmg as smzii to"

"19:50 – ~ Pennyfarming ♥ ~: that was really really hard
19:50 – Epsilon HARALD: hmm ?
19:50 – Epsilon HARALD: u was good"


The screenshots as proof:



Granary : http://www76.zippyshare.com/v/85927940/file.html

Snakewater : http://www46.zippyshare.com/v/73427027/file.html

Thank you reading ETF2L

Much love as always, Pennyfarming <3

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:51697917 Add Friend

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Left Sleep Club AWAKENED by RiseandShineTea [6v6] Pennyfarming
Joined Springboks E-sports [6v6 Fun Team] Pipoex
Left Sleep Club [6v6 Fun Team] Pennyfarming
Joined Sleep Club AWAKENED by RiseandShineTea [6v6] Pennyfarming
Left ducks [6v6] Pennyfarming
Joined ducks [6v6] wpminnows
Left LADS ON TOUR [6v6] Pennyfarming
Joined Sleep Club [6v6 Fun Team] Vitilumi
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Left AbsolventenMitGeld [6v6] Pennyfarming
Joined AbsolventenMitGeld [6v6] Trine
Left Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] Pennyfarming
Left redpandas.tf [6v6] Kaylus
Joined redpandas.tf [6v6] Kaylus
Left Pozor! [6v6] Pennyfarming
Joined Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] Scissors
Left #Killa-Beez E-sports [Highlander] Pennyfarming
Joined Pozor! [6v6] Pennyfarming
Left Team Freedom [6v6] Pennyfarming
Joined #Killa-Beez E-sports [Highlander] Pennyfarming
Left Original Gangsters [Highlander] Pennyfarming
Joined Pennyfarming E-Sports [LAN Team] Pennyfarming
Joined Team Freedom [6v6] Pennyfarming
Left Team Freedom [6v6] Pennyfarming
Joined Team Freedom [6v6] Pennyfarming
Left International Special Force [6v6] Pennyfarming
Joined International Special Force [6v6] Pennyfarming
Left To Be Announced [6v6] Pennyfarming
Joined To Be Announced [6v6] Pennyfarming
Joined -MGE- is my life [1v1] Pennyfarming
Left Insane Dutch Killers - Tea Party [6v6] Pennyfarming
Joined Original Gangsters [Highlander] Pennyfarming
Joined Insane Dutch Killers - Tea Party [6v6] Pennyfarming
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Joined Team Desolus [6v6] Pennyfarming
Left The Other Guys [6v6] Pennyfarming
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Left Tempest [6v6] Pennyfarming
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  1. WARHURYEAH: GlueEater said:

    20:48 – ~ Pennyfarming ♥ ~: >Premmyfarming mercing for epsilon

    http://logs.tf/124967 , http://logs.tf/125017
    20:48 – mobro.co/warhuryeah: still came last

  2. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Penny showed me “kuking wit doggu” which changed my life for the better, and because of that I would definately say he is prem.

  3. Cam00 said:

    11/10 would fuck anytime

  4. Kemor said:

    Amazing gamer

  5. Japtor said:


  6. Night said:


  7. Hallow: P.O.P said:

    well at least low prem

  8. stephen said:

    logs speak for themselves

  9. sobolanu said:

    This is getting ridiculous lol.

  10. Shintaz: TEZC - MONSTERFRAGGEN said:

    A quote from another one of your supporters:

    “he’s not actually trolling, he’s disabled, right?” – George “Poop” Duthie

  11. beach: [DA] - [DA] said:

    autism at its finest

  12. JoeN: :3 - :Blinky: said:


  13. Hallow: P.O.P said:

    what penny does hardly resembles autism so please stfu about that it’s getting proper retarded

  14. Josh: REMOVE - LEGO said:

    Just trial for saints then.

  15. fun is the best: ‹Con› - evCon. said:

    It was a dark winter evening, back in 2009. I had just entered the video game world known as Team Fortress 2 and had joined a pub server. I was trashing on these shitters when suddenly text appeared on my screen.

    “You’re such a tryhard.” Pennyfarming had entered my life. Together we played on that pub as enemies for several months, he hated me for teamstacking and just generally being a competitive shitter while I could barely even shoot and move at the same time. Still, as time went on we slowly grew apart as the server died, with Pennyfarming becoming a quiet spot on my friendslist.

    Years later, a message appeared on my steam, “Merc?” I was bored, having essentially left tf2 except shitposting on the ETF2L forum and posting erotic literature in its recruitment section. I joined him, and heard that voice again with the first words being about me team stacking again. Pennyfarming hadn’t changed.

    Slowly we began to talk again, with him going up the divs as he entered into the tent circlejerk, which later joined whatever the shit circlejerk it is now. Now Pennyfarming has moved on to Prem and I’m so proud of him, I knew he would get this far eventually, even while people didn’t understand his opinions or just argued with him for the sake of it, it is great to see him finally respected as a prem player. Pennyfarming may have been someone that polarized the community, but we all surely know now that he was an essential part of it.

    #Unban Pennyfarming
    #Pennyfarming E-Sports

    PS: The fucker tried to get me banned from that pub because of my “Fagbanged! :D” bind, what a bitch. I’ll post some erotica later, look forward to it.

    PSS: Also, Pennyfarming introduced me to cute anime boys, they are my life.

  16. MR.SVINS: alus - P.O.P said:

    div2/3.. im very sorry m8

  17. nyx: -nobroder said:

    2:15 – Sileey ♥: I’m just ignoring it :()

    Even if he carries prem teams, he already has his own team, keep your grabby arms out of my scout.

  18. synKas said:

    4/20 would deliver meat

  19. Popcorp said:

    dat bottomscore

  20. thaZu said:


  21. kindred: myx - 322 said:

    cute anime boy

  22. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    you could form your own prem team in a couple of seasons

  23. Swi: duplo said:

    Just give up already.

  24. Bery: Seizs - LoL said:

    why do you think u did alright? O.o
    go d2,dont try to jump in prem like for “i merced for epsilon”
    the luck wont come every time)

  25. Moffli said:

    tbh the logs you showed above ^^^^ aren’t the most shining logs I ever saw, meaning that it wasn’t really good neither really bad like one of the other guys said, you can maybe handle a div 2 team high or 1 team but really low, this is my opinion about you ¦ ] GL

  26. SorroW: iveR - VDOH said:

    is this srs? :D

  27. Vermilion said:

    Cute and amazing guy, very skilled and aimed ! Pick him !

  28. Enef: fest - #wubafan said:

    I love everyone taking this seriously, wp doods.

  29. NuTRiCuLa..ส้้: D925 said:

    div 2/1.

  30. Califax: dyn. said:

    Prem = Premiership… Not Premium

  31. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Penny strikes again…

    gg etf2l.

  32. Zangetsu: 4SKINGS said:

    2/10 seen better threads in /b/

  33. Sarah said:

    penny please

  34. skyro: #SaveMelee said:

    such penny

  35. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    Thinking of cutting hildreth going demoman and getting this guy on scout so epsilon can be beaten at last

  36. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    He knows their strats aswell now. #Epsidown

  37. Leif said:

    thng prem now?

  38. clip: ist doof said:

    no thingie is bad

  39. Spreijer: CONCORDIA said:

    prem++ Vycka approves

  40. cube said:


  41. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:


  42. Hat said:

    better than thalash

  43. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    ^not caring?

  44. Head Hunter said:

    This is clear evidence that Penny is Prem. He is the hero in prem we need to rival konr

  45. Hat said:

    lol cube

  46. konr: idd. said:

    Why does anyone believe this is serious
    Why is this still happening

  47. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    it worked for you

  48. konr: idd. said:

    That doesn’t make any sense

  49. schocky: MAFIA said:

    normally i dont hate ppl (due to their personality), but there are always some exceptions… grow up pls /and now don’t tell me, that u like to troll. so sad actually, that u believe “thats” trolling srsly. smzi is a troll as an example, u not


  50. schocky: MAFIA said:


  51. schocky: MAFIA said:


    finally. wow …. not easy :D

  52. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    ^ scared he’s about to get cut

  53. schocky: MAFIA said:

    “This user has been banned from the ETF2L. This ban will expire on 20 May 2014”
    enough said.

  54. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    better than thalash

  55. melody: Lutunen said:

    pennytrolling :)

  56. arc: iSlam said:

    I still don’t know if this guy is autistic, dumb or attempting to be funny

  57. rockie said:

    Poop President

  58. cube said:

    dont mess with schocky
    this guy knows how to upload pictures :O

  59. schocky: MAFIA said:


  60. Dr.Manhattan: D925 said:

    explain this shit ^

  61. Russian Guyovich: (Surging Meat Cable) - [T-A!]LoS said:

    Le random storee xD upvote

  62. MARS^: (ETF2L Donator) - ANIMA - op_sqd said:

    8/10 good read

  63. .s said:


  64. Leif said:
