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Scout  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Pennyfarming

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Would like to play 6s again add for trial.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:51697917 Add Friend

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  1. NsX.: Aht said:

    Better than konr pick him up

  2. Fuxx said:

    is a little girl

  3. Souljah: AMG said:

    Very good scout.

  4. Greg said:

    Wil do amazing in Division 2, great scout

  5. HoneyBadger: free said:

    u arent even greg wtf

  6. IronB: HKN! - HKN! said:

    Best scout ever, has pure heart full of love. He also has great team leading skill and he loves organizing stuff. Simply the best. He is the chosen one, he will win every div you go to for you with ease. <3

  7. FUN POLICE RUINS TF2: ‹Con› - evCon. said:

    Usually, Taelia wouldn’t have stepped outside the comfort and warmth of her home, but the Snowager’s howl had certainly warranted concern after it shook the house hard enough to send her furniture into disarray. The timing was perfect — it was the hour in which the frost wyrm took his afternoon nap, and a good handful of brave (if foolhardy) Neopets would take the chance to snag a share of his voluminous treasure. While she generally disapproved with Neopets of all species toying with death in such a brash, greed-inspired manner, she wasn’t the sort to abandon any pet that might require some help. Besides, she could always convince the pets she rescued to aid her in retrieving items for spells, and noting how intrepid they were success was reliably guaranteed.

    Upon reaching the depths of the Ice Caves, Taelia found that her hunch proved to be right. Icicles were strewn at the mouth of the Snowager’s lair, the body of a Shadow Aisha lying comatose in the centre of the frosty debris. The bustling catacombs of snow had been deserted, likely out of fear of the wyrm’s wrath.

    “Dear me,” the Snow Faerie sighed. “When will they ever learn?” Regardless, she had bundled up the Snowager’s victim against the softness of her cloak, and began making her way back to her humble abode, even as the skies began to rumble and the snowfall started to worsen. She felt a grim sense of foreboding sink into her bones, as though the entire mountain was joining in the Snowager’s anger, further condemning the trespasser for intruding.

    Her hut was only a short climb up the hill, but in the blizzard it seemed like a trek though the whole of Neopia itself. Clutching the lifeless body in her arms, Taelia gritted her teeth as the icy winds tore about her relentlessly, pressing her wings ever tighter around herself and her unlikely passenger.


    In more time than it took to tell, Taelia had managed to successfully battle against the weather, and now stood over her rescuee with a furtive look on her face. While she had brought back many a victim of Terror Mountain’s resident ice monster, she had yet to witness the phenomenon that lay in front of her, adjacent to the fireplace. The male Aisha’s body showed no signs of injury where the Snowager’s icicle blasts would have usually scarred, but was covered instead in a sparkling layer of frost. Upon closer inspection Taelia discovered that his eyes were open, giving the feline a look of surprise, and that his pupils had taken on a peculiar glassy tint. Worst of all, the Aisha wasn’t even shivering — it was though he had been turned into an ice statue, frozen in place and position.

    Pursing her lips, Taelia opted to consult the wisdom of her books, in hopes that they held the answer she did not have. Luck proved to be on her side while time was not, for the first tome she consulted struck the jackpot: an archive on the most ancient and obscure of Fates, Curses, and Something Has Happeneds.

    “The Snowager’s Winter: A Curse of Eternal Hibernation,” she muttered as she went along the paragraphs. “Once in a blue moon and green sun, the Snowager becomes so enraged at the multitude of pets that attempt to steal a share of his hoard that he calls upon the full extent of his powers over ice and snow. He blasts an unfortunate victim with a fury that summons the wrath of Terror Mountain itself… the victim’s life force is struck down and his very being is cursed; a blizzard most frightful surrounds him and every fibre of his body is turned into unfeeling, unmeltable ice, forever dooming the victim to a frozen existence…” Taelia paused for a moment to look at the Aisha by the fire; sure enough, his condition didn’t seem to be improving in spite of the warmth. All signs were pointing to the very curse she was reading about, and if that was the case there was no time to lose.

    “The curse, as an attack on the victim’s life force, cannot be reversed by conventional means,” Taelia read on. “The frost cannot be melted by fire nor can the ice be magicked away. The victim must be warmed at the core, from where his life force lies, by…” At this the Snow Faerie stopped in sudden bewilderment. Uneasily she checked and rechecked the lines that followed, but they simply stared her back in the eye.

    “You have to be kidding me!” she exclaimed in exasperation, outrage and discomfort colouring her cheeks as the reality of the situation sank in. True, she wasn’t willing to doom him to an existence as a permanent ice sculpture, but… goodness, what would happen if word got out that the Snow Faerie was involved in such a scandalous form of therapy? Fyora would have her wand, she was sure, and she’d have to relocate to an uncharted island to avoid the unwanted attention that would certainly follow.

    Desperately, Taelia pored through her tome one last time, as if in hope the instructions would sense her thoughts and change themselves at will, but such was not to be.

    “Oh, well,” she sighed to herself, making her way to the Aisha and cradling him in her arms. “Once he recovers, perhaps I can convince him to help me retrieve some Orange Chocolates.”

    With her heart pounding from apprehension, she brought the frosted feline into her bedroom, a forbidden realm where no pet had ever set foot, flipper or other locomotion appendage in. Carefully she placed him in the centre of her queen-sized bed, before climbing atop the soft mattresses, which had been stacked with a multitude of blankets and pillows for the coldest of nights. Wordlessly she stared at the Shadowed pet’s groin region — the plan, even now, still seemed utterly preposterous to her, but the situation was not improving. The Aisha’s fur had started turning white as snow, and unless she began to process to reawaken his vital energy he was certainly done for.

    “Don’t worry,” Taelia muttered through gritted teeth, steeling herself for what was to come. “It’s just like patting a Snowbunny on the head… with your mouth.”

    Cringing, she brought her lips where the Aisha’s legs met his pelvis, and kissed him in his happy place.

    A chilling sensation met her mouth upon contact, causing her to shudder involuntarily. The Aisha’s skin was as cold as ice, yet it had the texture of crystal, with no water droplets coming free from her body heat. It was definite now that the ice transformation was no ordinary frozen liquid, and bearing this in mind the Snow Faerie was determined that her efforts had to be accelerated.

    Gingerly she placed her hands on the Aisha’s inner thighs, starting to work a massage into his legs while she planted a series of kisses and licks onto his groin, her blush burning ever fiercer as she continued. The book had instructed her to stimulate the core organ of the Aisha’s essence; if only she could coax it out of its hiding spot the process would be facilitated quickly, and the ordeal would end sooner. Slowly, Taelia could feel the stony texture give way, but otherwise progress was not apparent. Pausing for a moment for breath and in building frustration, she continued her oral administrations, quickening her movements as best she could.

    “Hm?” Eventually, as she dragged her tongue up along the Neopet’s crotch for the uncounted nth time, Taelia noticed that a small lump had made itself known after her innumerable attempts, prompting her to look at it. What followed, however, made her recoil in near horrific surprise, as the bump became engorged with blood, having been awakened by the Snow Faerie’s stimulation. It was as though the Aisha’s groin harmonica had been exposed to a Transmogrification potion, and Taelia could only stare as the organ expanded right in front of her, until it resembled a dark-coloured sausage with a peculiar mushroomesque head. A pair of sac-like growths had appeared at the bottom where the Aisha’s pole connected to the rest of his body, and even as Taelia looked at it the entire length it seemed to bob slightly from the air disturbance while its seven inches stood to attention.

    “Oh… my,” Taelia finally breathed, the sight of penile erection having taken her mental virginity away; while she had read up several Water Faerie books on the subjects of Neopet biology and healing, nothing had prepared her for the view she was beholding. But then, none of those books had gone into detail about reproductive anatomy, and certainly not mentioned erotic convalescence. “How… how am I going to…”

    It felt like forever when Taelia finally regained to courage to reach out a hand and hold the organ in the palm, and as she did so the Aisha’s little brother seared her fingers with a fresh warmth, in addition to the heat she only just noticed had been inexplicably developing through her body. Now that she took a moment to assess her own physical condition, the heat seemed to have clearly originated from her own lower regions along with her face, and at the moment she felt incredibly humid in her thick fluffy coat. Sweat had begun to pour down her forehead, its scent mingling with another from her body she could not quite identify, her hair felt as though it was ablaze with internal fire, and the weight of her wings was starting to bear down on her tense shoulders.

    Strangest of all, while she wasn’t feeling too comfortable, the Snow Faerie found that she didn’t quite mind her bothered state. She was now looking at the throbbing length in her trembling hand, a sort of dreamlike mist starting to cloak her vision, while a single drop of unknown fluid formed at the tip of the phallic pole.

    “Alright, then…” murmured the Snow Faerie, as she lifted back her hood and shed her coat, leaving only her matching cyan gown that exposed her shoulders and wings. She was briefly surprised to note that while the chill of Terror Mountain was still present, it didn’t seem to bother her as much as it usually did thanks to her radiating warmth. “Here we go,” she thought, subconsciously licking her upper lip as she moved closer in, and closing her eyes Taelia took the mini-Aisha’s head into her mouth.

    The instant Taelia’s tongue brushed against the Shadowed pole’s underside, a gentle spurt of the unknown liquid made its way down her throat, surprising the Snow Faerie with its salty, musky taste. A startled moan issued from her voicebox at the invasion, before she reminded herself that she still had to reactivate the Aisha’s other systems by coaxing his circulation and sensors, and it was vital that she pressed on with no inhibition.

    Opening the back of her oral cavern, Taelia eased her head further down the Aisha’s length, but soon enough she found it impossible to continue past the three-quarters mark. The mushroom had hit the back of her throat and she was filled with the sickening urge to vomit, prompting her to remove the offending pole from her mouth. Gasping for breath, she stared at the vibrating organ — was it her imagination, or had the Aisha’s erection grown a notch or two from its maiden voyage between her lips? Regardless, Taelia knew it was imperative for her to find an alternative, and quick. Taking a moment to push her hair behind her ears, she engulfed the Aisha’s spear for the second time, but instead taking only half of the organ such that it sat comfortably on her tongue without choking her.

    “Here goes nothing,” she said to herself in an unintelligible garble, and with her hands holding the bottom of his pole she began to bob up and down along the length, coating it generously in her saliva each time her tongue circled it. Every now and then she would tenderly stroke his scrotum, while at other times she would have her mouth switch positions to suck on his twin marbles instead, working feverishly to bring the Aisha off and into the full state of consciousness. With each movement the Aisha’s meat wobbled from the multifaceted massage, rewarding the Snow Faerie with more of its seminal ammunition. Her administrations were clearly starting to affect her as well — a fire of her own seemed to burn in her lower area, pulsing up her belly and dancing across her skin, joined by swirling drops of sweat, while her heart felt though it was beating molten lava through her vessels. Each gasp of breath, each toss of her hair sent tingles to join the symphony of sensory inputs overloading her mind, and above it all she could hear a series of noises emitting from her throat, which she never realised she could make.

    As Taelia continued, the fire continued to smoulder, growing ever strong with the passage of time, fuelling her actions in an exponential cyclic relationship. Her hands gripped, her lips swept, her voice screamed; no longer existed the distinctions of purpose and desire, only an obsession to meld the throbbing warmth with her oral cavity. Soon she was polishing the organ with her mouth like an exotic lollipop, the burning cannon greased with her spit and his fluids, allowing her to ram it towards her gullet and slide it back out in a repetitive fashion, moaning all the while.

    A strangled cry broke her train of thought, and before the Snow Faerie realised that the interjection had not come from her, she felt the Aisha’s groin rise to meet her cyan-coloured lips. A shudder echoed through the meat in her mouth before spewing its release down her throat, and Taelia’s reflexes did their best to aid the swallowing process before her need for oxygen took its priority. With an audible gasp she wrenched the tube free from between her teeth, followed by another as a copious jet of Eau de Aisha sprayed into her hard palate and her left cheek. Like a BubbleBeam the Aisha’s middle leg fired its drippy projectiles, streaking across the Faerie’s facial features, cooling against her fierce blush and coaxing a few more moans with each direct hit. A few brave globules splattered across her forehead, some others landing in her hair; these she noted in somewhat amused hums.

    “Well, that was somewhat unexpected,” Taelia voiced openly as the white storm died down.” Reaching upwards along the Aisha’s body, she looked deep into the feline’s stare. Confusion and arousal alike blazed in his eyes, and it was small wonder. It was one thing to wake in the care of a faerie, but a different scenario altogether to wake in the care of a faerie that had vanilla cream dripping from her face and accented with crimson cheeks, while possessing a throbbing erection. Gazing at his unlikely saviour, the Aisha tried to pant a response, but his voice and vocabulary alike failed him. She responded smilingly, swallowing her mouthful of Aishan liquid, before leaning forward to plant a reassuring, sticky kiss on the Aisha’s forehead.

    “It’s alright,” she whispered into his lower ears, feeling him moan from her touch in spite of his bewilderment. “You’re going to be fine; just follow my lead.” Her boiling desire aside, she recalled the final step in the countercurse her book mentioned: the stimulation of the mind and instinct to ensure the subject’s full awakening, by encouraging the subject to respond with their own body. Both her objectives depended on the Aisha’s willingness and ability to cooperate with her, though Taelia had a rather strong hunch that few obstacles would be experienced, supported by the feeling of the Aisha’s little brother poking against her navel.

    The Aisha could only watch on captivated, as the Snow Faerie rose up from his sprawled formation, licking stray trails of cum as they glided down her lips while she hoisted her flowing blue gown upwards, flinging it off with little more than a few sharp tugs. Her bodily fire met with the icy chill of Terror Mountain, and she hissed at the clashing temperatures as they breathed new life into her exposed womanhood and pinched at her nipples. Taking the tip of the Aisha into her hand, she aimed the weapon where her cove was, before easing her shapely posterior down from her kneeling position.


    The first thing that hit her mind felt akin to a round of Test Your Strength, as the immediate sensation of the Neopet’s anatomy pierced through her consciousness as it did her nether folds, and without thinking she started to heave herself with such intensity that the bed creaked sharply in response. A groan followed the creak, soon joined by a babble that quickly grew into a chorus. She felt herself flinch deliciously with each descent, rippling new awareness all over her body – the way her voice scaled new highs with every squeal punched out of her; the full weight of her sensitive twin peaks as they bobbed; even the way her wings brushed against her back and left shudders of goosebumps. A haze clouded all senses of her judgement, and it was a while before she noticed the desperate grip of her partner on her hips. Amidst her swishing bangs, she saw that the Aisha had now forced himself into a seated position, his face struggling between confusion and pleasure, but any apprehension he posssessed had melted away as he reciprocated her actions, pummeling into her sacred cave as he hung on.

    “Mmmmmm, yes! Just like that!” Taelia moaned, in a voice that sounded several hundred years younger, shifting into a grind as instinct guided them both. A burn pounded against both her cheeks, accentuating the glimmer around her vision, and she briefly considered how absolutely filthy she must have looked in her unabashed lovemaking, a stark contrast from the clinical persona she was known for. Perhaps an hour ago she would have most certainly been disgusted, but now the fragment of restraint snapped almost as soon as it had appeared. It was no longer just about him; it was about him and her both, and stoking the pyres that had been kindled in the two of them. Catching the Neopet in a passionate embrace she pulled his head and torso against her stomach, hissing at the feel of his fur on her skin as her fingers rubbed against his lithe frame, as though she might coax him into furthering his efforts through her massaging. It almost seemed to work; she felt him push harder against the vicegrip her folds had on him and heard his moans increase in pitch and frequency. His innocent tone alluded to his inexperience, and the Faerie felt her heart flutter from his pure, earnest cooperation. Against the musique d’ameublement of the mattress and accompaniment of her loose feathers, their gasping duet embarked upon fierce acceleration; united by instinctive knowledge they continued to hammer each other closer to the inevitable brink they were now aware of.

    “Ahaaagh! Ooooomngh! So, sooooo gooooooo…!”

    In an instant, warmth like nothing she experienced before, nothing she ever dreamed of sizzled across her skin, blazing in radiant waves before flying from the tips of her hair and pores, leaving nothing sheer euphoria behind, only to be replaced by stronger pulse after stronger pulse as she held onto her partner like a drowning pet on a straw. Taelia’s mouth twisted in a scream only she could hear, spurred on by the pit of fire lit in her loins, now exploding like dynamite as the Aisha’s rocket jettisoned his stodgy, scorching essence deep inside her. Perhaps it was a good thing that she never had much in the way of physical strength; what little thought she had left at this point noted this given how she was almost crushing the Aisha in the grip of her arms. Even under her weight she could feel his involuntary motions, thrusting into her as he made a deposit each time he buried himself to the hilt.

    “By the… I… OH, goodness…”

    It felt like a round trip to the Space Station, Kreludor and back on a cloud racer built for two, but eventually her soundless shrieking dwindled into excited moans, then from breathy coos into purrs, silent in their intensity; a sign of nothing but pure, undefiled satisfaction. The next thing she knew, she found herself curled on the soft blankets; the numbness that had soaked her nerve endings having faded away, leaving the fuzziness of the duvet and glisten of sweat. Vaguely she felt the trickle of liquid from between her legs, and she giggled in a rather uncharacteristic manner. Lovingly she gazed ahead at her lover – he was the same, softly heaving mass that she was, with his spent staff dribbling the remainder of its ammunition on the comforting material. Even after everything that had happened the Aisha’s face still held an expression of wonder and amazement, that Taelia now felt a rather soft spot for. “Feeling better?” she murmured as she leaned in.

    “I… I…”

    It was the first time she heard him speak somewhat coherently (at least of sorts), and even though no further words would come she simply smiled in understanding, pulling him in for a short, playful peck and gentle snuggle. Taelia found to her squealworthy delight that her rescuee had taken to nuzzling his face against her mounds while she fondled his back and lower ears; the alien cat’s other audioreceptors brushing against her nipples with most tantalising pleasantry. The boy had good instincts, she thought as she happily sank further into the caress of her partner and her expanse of blankets.

    Perhaps the Orange Chocolates could wait. The spell she was performing wasn’t that crucial; its purpose had already drifted far, far away along with her sense of calculating rationale into the realms of forgotten memory, and at any rate it wasn’t as though the icy world was under any immediate threat. For now she would enjoy her reprieve from the duties of being the Snow Faerie, in the company of the one who she shared more with than anyone else in her life.

    And perhaps – just perhaps, as another girlish sentiment passed through her mind – he would agree to stay.

  8. weemich said:

    if you need a scout, demo, pyro or medic im your guy, im always on steam ready for a match. im a good listener and know how to follow instructions. i know i haven’t done any competitive but im no noob. please consider me for a try out. Thanks.

  9. Spreijer: CONCORDIA said:

    can click bodies

  10. Twisted: :think: - GRAHAM said:

    fucking scattergun bodyshots noob mge me next time you have skill!!1! ((

  11. Team mate: pHy said:

    much aim, such sence. wow. love

  12. snappe: half - ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:


  13. BoneSponge said:

    potential weaboo

  14. Souljah: AMG said:

    Penny indeed is rly valuable to our team…I’m glad he’s in.
    Dm, gamesense, calls, positioning is better than of many (brainless) scouts

    And wtf @ FUN POLICE RUINS TF2; stopped reading after the first sentence tl;dr :) can u give a short résumé pls?