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Medic  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Italy Sarah

Posted: | Last Online:

please carry me, i'm a fast learner and izon says i'm a good medic
available pretty much every night (not wednesday) from 20 cet, add me for whatever i'm nice with everyone

also pennyfarming's seal of approval:
"Sarah is a super friendly and caring medic with a strong preference for working with her sollys (almost perfectly), her play style is usually centred around being more defensive and staying alive which makes her super reliable in a game and allows her to pump out a glorious 11k heals per game and get out more ubers than an uber train. Also 10/10 qt pie former model who’s hobbies include enjoying the silence in mumble, drinking tea, watching doctor who and having a bad taste in food.
Could play div 3 and has the potential for div 2 if the team could take the time to invest in advancing Sarah’s already solid game sense."

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:49090520 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Team Titty [6v6] Sarah
Joined Team Titty [6v6] misha YB`g
Left Fap Team [6v6] Sarah
Joined Fap Team [6v6] widz
Left Smalabi [6v6] Sarah
Joined Smalabi [6v6] Dange
Left eksdee [6v6] Sarah
Joined eksdee [6v6] Mike
Left Pennyfarming E-Sports [LAN Team] Sarah
Left Italy [National Highlander Team] Sarah
Left mid high [6v6] Sarah
Joined mid high [6v6] Rex
Joined Italy [National Highlander Team] carnifex
Left Hipster panties [2v2] Sarah
Joined REEEEEEEEEEBIT [6v6] Sarah
Left Furaribi [6v6] Sarah
Joined Furaribi [6v6] Sarah
Joined Pennyfarming E-Sports [LAN Team] Sarah
Left Casual Cutie [6v6] BODLAK
Joined Casual Cutie [6v6] Sarah
Left tB Trolling Bunnies PINK [6v6] Sarah
Joined Hipster panties [2v2] Sarah
Joined tB Trolling Bunnies PINK [6v6] Sarah
Left eZ eSports [6v6] Hist3rim
Joined eZ eSports [6v6] Sarah
Left Audere Semper eSports [6v6] Sarah
Joined Audere Semper eSports [6v6] Sarah
Left Fap Team [6v6] Sarah
Joined Fap Team [6v6] Sarah
Left Entropy Team [6v6] Sarah
Joined Entropy Team [6v6] Tommy
Left The GoVernative Team Green Squad [6v6] Sarah
Joined The GoVernative Team Green Squad [6v6] Alt_F4

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High 10 1042
View High 10 1455
View Div 2/Div 3 3 805
View Div 2 3 803
View Div 2/Div 3 20 1773
View Div 3 11 1015
View Div 3 24 1681


  1. iZon: LEGO - LEGO said:

    Really good med. Potential to become high div really soon :D

  2. Tiky said:

    bianca costanzo look very cute .

  3. raiku: STR said:

    leiks to heal things, and does it well.

  4. Swi: duplo said:

    She’s keen, improving and really nice person to play with div 3 easy :)

  5. Paria: Rob1 said:


  6. byte said:

    Solid div3 , been playing mixes with her to see what level she is at, and I’d say around high div 3, could be div 2 within a season if given a chance and some guidance…

    Would happy to mentor too! :3

    buona fortuna perdere



  7. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAH - sniper said:

    i knew it

  8. Frama: 2puck - #sadboys said:

    Div 3 easy,really nice med

  9. Phnx: kZk said:

    Really good medic, pleasure to play pickups with her, Nice calm and stays alive a lot.

  10. Beetle said:

    Really nice medic. Likes to eat apples throughout 30 minutes o.O

  11. fiuciuaH: DTM said:

    lovely medic :D

  12. Asso said:

    Shes good

  13. carnifex said:

    Good medic, gl!

  14. omrish said:

    She’s the best :D

  15. Croce said:

    passavo di qua, non mi ricordavo neanche più che giocavo a sto gioco…

    nice medic gg bb no re

  16. Ante: CiC said:

    http://logs.tf/50085 Da heals

  17. Jigglypuff: fest - #wubafan said:

    Terrible lesbian

    Decent medic

    Cool person

  18. Adrenaline said:

    Good medic, ez div 3 and she loves cats >>>


  19. Marmitem8: 9 ☆ said:

    Played with her today. good med

  20. achy said:

    Really good med, nice girl too! gl

  21. mantas: 2puck said:

    nice skills

    also nice medic skills

  22. Sarah said:

    ^ i see what you did there

  23. atmo said:

    sick at gg200

  24. knuck: DA! said:

    Needs to be given a chance to play high-level TF2.

  25. gf18_idiot: Top5rocket said:

    Friendly, decent medic, ez d3
    hf :)

  26. misha YB`g said:

    div 3 for sure, decent skills, friendly

  27. Blade_ said:

    nice medic skills, she’s training a lot every day with pickups and mixes so i think she’s ready for this.

  28. Gozo: SOLAR - 9F said:

    got outhealed by zen-san

  29. Gozo: SOLAR - 9F said:


  30. vani: F! said:


  31. Chillerbear said:

    she has alot of potential give her a shot

  32. Dingo: HG - cirlo said:

    ” sick aim, keen player, would perfectly fit in any div 3+ team. get him before it’s too late ! “

  33. Pognon: DA! said:

    Too bad Raymond stole Epsilon’s medic spot Sarah.

    + Great look with glasses, i heard.

    – Vegetarian

    Give her a home please ; According to the mixes i played with her, she really seems able to handle D3+. Thank you.

  34. Askior: swimp said:

    so sexy voice!
    pro pickup med

  35. Zato1 said:

    sick aim, keen player, would perfectly fit in any div 3+ team. get him before it’s too late !
    seriously,take him for div4.

  36. Sarah said:

    lol zatone simpaticone

  37. .kr4tos: (ETF2L Donator) - FLANK - DGB said:

    good scout


  38. mantas: 2puck said:


  39. Sarah said:

    capolavoro. (mantas ti devo dire un segreto)

  40. sphynx said:


  41. Ante: CiC said:

    Okay, THE TIP to get Sarah to join your team is providing her with intense videogaming. Not everyone can achieve this level of intensity that will satisfy her. But if you do, then you’ve got her!

    GLHF Sarah!

  42. supreme: SHAG said:

    good medic, ez div 3 since is keen as hell as far as i know

  43. sphynx said:

    …and then she went poledancing. https://i.imgur.com/04AR8HO.gif

  44. Sarah said:

    le bump

  45. Zato1 said:

    scusa ma nella descrizione mancano i drop

  46. dmoule: /ff said:
