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Medic  High Skill, 6v6

Italy Sarah

Posted: | Last Online:

don't really know if i have time but i want to play again
backup only

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:49090520 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Team Titty [6v6] Sarah
Joined Team Titty [6v6] misha YB`g
Left Fap Team [6v6] Sarah
Joined Fap Team [6v6] widz
Left Smalabi [6v6] Sarah
Joined Smalabi [6v6] Dange
Left eksdee [6v6] Sarah
Joined eksdee [6v6] Mike
Left Pennyfarming E-Sports [LAN Team] Sarah
Left Italy [National Highlander Team] Sarah
Left mid high [6v6] Sarah
Joined mid high [6v6] Rex
Joined Italy [National Highlander Team] carnifex
Left Hipster panties [2v2] Sarah
Joined REEEEEEEEEEBIT [6v6] Sarah
Left Furaribi [6v6] Sarah
Joined Furaribi [6v6] Sarah
Joined Pennyfarming E-Sports [LAN Team] Sarah
Left Casual Cutie [6v6] BODLAK
Joined Casual Cutie [6v6] Sarah
Left tB Trolling Bunnies PINK [6v6] Sarah
Joined Hipster panties [2v2] Sarah
Joined tB Trolling Bunnies PINK [6v6] Sarah
Left eZ eSports [6v6] Hist3rim
Joined eZ eSports [6v6] Sarah
Left Audere Semper eSports [6v6] Sarah
Joined Audere Semper eSports [6v6] Sarah
Left Fap Team [6v6] Sarah
Joined Fap Team [6v6] Sarah
Left Entropy Team [6v6] Sarah
Joined Entropy Team [6v6] Tommy
Left The GoVernative Team Green Squad [6v6] Sarah
Joined The GoVernative Team Green Squad [6v6] Alt_F4

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High 10 1042
View Div 2/Div 3 3 805
View Div 2 3 803
View Div 2/Div 3 20 1773
View Div 3 46 2822
View Div 3 11 1015
View Div 3 24 1682


  1. iZon: LEGO - LEGO said:


  2. Sepu: (Kovein) - 0fo said:

    Pretty cool, hits arrows all the time ^^

  3. rockie said:


  4. Dr. Phil: TBC - LEGO said:

    Good medic, gl

  5. .: ti. - WiK? said:

    10/10 lovely medic, excellent gamesense

  6. mrwhizz said:

    very down to earth, can actually take a joke

    good medic, fun to play with

    bella farfala!

  7. nvc said:

    Has trust issues with legit good soldiers, won’t mention names.

  8. Matt: TEZC - TEZC said:

    called me “the worst pocket she has ever played with”, obviously cant see talent when it is literally 5 cm’s in front of her.

  9. retz said:

    In the experience I’ve had, she’s definitely better than Dingo

  10. rockie said:

    wow rip dingo