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DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

European Trolling Bunnies

Posted by Chillerbear: | Last Online:


currently im searching for 1 Scout 1 Demo 1 Soldier 1 Medic

you should have time to play at least 4 days a week

if you want to join you have to know that you have to wear the tb Avatar

add me for a trial

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  1. Battery said:

    Avatars are for tryhards

  2. Chillerbear said:


  3. KKR said:

    Good job declining my invitation, you are such a great team leader.

  4. stalker said:

    same here, declined and blocked

  5. Zangetsu: 4SKINGS said:

    div 3?keep dreaming

  6. Spike Himself: TC said:

    As of Season 13 you have played 2 games in Div 5 and 3 games in Div 4. I think you may be underestimating the skill differences between Div 3 and the experience you have.

    That being said, you are basically recruiting a full team so it hardly matters. Divs apply to teams and not to players, after all.

  7. raiku: STR said:

    Chiller can handle div3 as a scout, no issues there. Tho the avatar thing is kind of annoying for a lot of people, I didn’t really care because IT’S A BUNNIY :o Chiller you better make a solid div3 team, then people might look at the community with a different angle, not just people like zangetsu who think there is no chance for tb to be higher than div4 or what ever. Good luck !