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Soldier  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

France Bulle

Posted: | Last Online:

i can shoot rocket at feet. pick me !

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:78056263 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left France [National 6v6 Team] Medico
Joined Epsilon eSports [6v6] Mike
Left nerdRage.tf2 [6v6] Bulle
Joined nerdRage.tf2 [6v6] Starkie
Left Awsomniac [6v6] Bulle
Joined LEGOLANDER [Highlander] Sonny Black
Left DAROUTOUTOU [Highlander] Bulle
Joined Awsomniac [6v6] Sonny Black
Left [R]eason-gaming [6v6] Sonny Black
Joined [R]eason-gaming [6v6] smziii
Left Herr_P Loves Zizi [6v6] Bulle
Joined Reason-gaming [LAN Team] Rising
Joined Herr_P Loves Zizi [6v6] Herr_P
Left Awsomniac [6v6] Bulle
Joined Awsomniac [6v6] Tek
Left Politically correct pander [6v6] Bulle
Joined Politically correct pander [6v6] Hildreth
Left my bauddy is ready [6v6 Fun Team] Bulle
Left Kno i Horn [6v6] Bulle
Joined France [National 6v6 Team] Bulle
Joined my bauddy is ready [6v6 Fun Team] Bulle
Joined Kno i Horn [6v6] Bulle
Left Widowmakers! [6v6 Fun Team] Bulle
Left PyRo|GEN [6v6] Bulle
Joined DAROUTOUTOU [Highlander] Bulle
Joined Internet download manager [2v2] Bulle
Left cu <3 empty ! [2v2] Bulle
Left Dot highlander ! [Highlander] Bulle
Joined cu <3 empty ! [2v2] Bulle
Joined Widowmakers! [6v6 Fun Team] Bulle
Joined PyRo|GEN [6v6] Bulle
Left Quadrivium [6v6] Bulle
Left MGE heroes [2v2] Bulle
Joined MGE heroes [2v2] Bulle
Left dunno [2v2] Bulle
Joined Dot highlander ! [Highlander] Lakoa
Joined Quadrivium [6v6] Smirre
Left MeGusta [6v6] Bulle
Joined MeGusta [6v6] severus
Joined dunno [2v2] Väiski

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  1. fl1p said:

    beast med, and good sol gl

  2. Regen: nf. - 9F said:

    mvm legend

  3. cribbe: TC said:

    One of the nicest people in this community and a really good soldier. Good luck mate.

  4. mrwhizz said:

    be mine<3

  5. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    amazing person

  6. svins: alus - P.O.P said:

    I offer the backup slot in div5.

  7. Tek: ft. said:

    Bulle is the best, one of the best medic in eu, realy good soldier with an amazing skill. I love him so much, la crème des crèmes. Can deserve the best, upcoming talent as soldier.

    Gl, je t’adore.

  8. Gladia: DA! said:

    <3 Bulle, hf with your future new team :'((

  9. Hank: FAINT said:

    words arent enough to describe this guy. He is the nicest guy in the whole tf2 community.

    Little story of this dudes career.

    in 2010 i met this guy for the first time in a lobby match. He never said a word in the mic but we still got really close friends real fast, my first thought was that he maybe was a girl or 10 years old but then there came the day of glory when he just let the air out of his lungs and spoke. I was there like WTF he is not a girl or 10 yo but a sexy frenchie with a sexy voice and in that moment i fell in love with this dude. In 2011 we decided to go competive and we were thinking who the hell could play medic for us and then we just voted for bulle that he should play medic and he was there just like: WTF I DONT WANT TO PLAY MEDIC!!! and we were there like: THE FUCK YOU ARE! and thats the day he started to play medic (ME GUSTA <3)

    Then next season he and me joined together Quadrivium and played for 2 seasons together. Then there came the time he was there just like: im gonna go PRO! and so he did.

    Bulle your still my first love in TF2 and u will always be my love.

    This guy is such a beast soldier he will be in prem in 2 seasons if he gets the right team that is keen as him!!!!

    Love you bulle <3

  10. Trane said:

    That’s the gayest thing I ever read Hank.

    Bulle is awesome though.

  11. Hank: FAINT said:

    what happens in the dark aint gay :x

  12. kustom3: AwS - DA! said:

    (no homo)

  13. Link!: .:ne:. said:

    holy shit hank

    played with bulle once or twice, he is cool

  14. alba: duplo said:

    Beast gamer, really nice and friendly guy, i’ve never heard him rage (damn Bulle, rage pls need to hear it<3). Great soldier, will handle div 2 without a problem. GL Bulle :D

  15. DeGuN said:

    Nice team mate and realy good player hf new soldier

  16. Maffi: REVERTO said:

    Played with him some times back in the days really nice guy and sick aim gl!

  17. Sasuke: ORACLE said:

    A pubber

  18. Pomme said:

    Bulle : moi je suis toujours gentil, et tous les joueurs sont méchants avec moi

  19. Captainhax: AwS - DA! said:

    One of the best medic out there, shame that he didn’t want to carry on that way. But the guy can for sure shoot rockets at people.

    Give him a good home, he deserves it !

  20. hawku: AYO said:

    Beats me most times in MGE nowadays.

    Other than that, I fucking love bulllllllllllllllLLEEHHH

  21. Exon.: o/ said:


    gl <3

  22. Salt said:

    he is a beast as medic, but i’m sure he can do the same as soldier with his sick aim and brain.

  23. T-Mac: DA! said:

    hf bioullay, just wake up now, WAKE UP

  24. Rising: MAFIA said:

    totally amazing guy and pretty good dm aswell (same goes for medic play ofc).
    je t’aime le meilleur

    l’arabe :3

  25. Ash: (Legend) - UNHINGED said:

    Hank’s original man crush.

    Amazing guy too!

  26. Paria: Rob1 said:

    I wish I was like him.

  27. Sideshow: (ETF2L Donator) - ft. - WiK? said:

    the BEST

  28. Smirre: duplo said:

    Beast soldier and the best medic i have played with. Really nice and friendly guy can easily handle high div 2 as soldier :)

  29. Lalli: FM said:

    suces very nice very fast also very reliable sucer

  30. Hank: FAINT said:

    bumping my love

  31. Drackk:>: best - sniper said:

    is good at shovelling in mge

  32. space ranger said:

    bulle is teh best <3

  33. Hank: FAINT said:


  34. Hank: FAINT said:


  35. Crizzl: WEED - DANMARK said:

    too strong.