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Soldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

France Bulle

Posted: | Last Online:


I'm 22 years old, i'm looking for a div 4 team who are looking to improve.
I have strong DM skills.
I can play most nights.
Add me on steam for more details.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:78056263 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left France [National 6v6 Team] Medico
Joined Epsilon eSports [6v6] Mike
Left nerdRage.tf2 [6v6] Bulle
Joined nerdRage.tf2 [6v6] Starkie
Left Awsomniac [6v6] Bulle
Joined LEGOLANDER [Highlander] Sonny Black
Left DAROUTOUTOU [Highlander] Bulle
Joined Awsomniac [6v6] Sonny Black
Left [R]eason-gaming [6v6] Sonny Black
Joined [R]eason-gaming [6v6] smziii
Left Herr_P Loves Zizi [6v6] Bulle
Joined Reason-gaming [LAN Team] Rising
Joined Herr_P Loves Zizi [6v6] Herr_P
Left Awsomniac [6v6] Bulle
Joined Awsomniac [6v6] Tek
Left Politically correct pander [6v6] Bulle
Joined Politically correct pander [6v6] Hildreth
Left my bauddy is ready [6v6 Fun Team] Bulle
Left Kno i Horn [6v6] Bulle
Joined France [National 6v6 Team] Bulle
Joined my bauddy is ready [6v6 Fun Team] Bulle
Joined Kno i Horn [6v6] Bulle
Left Widowmakers! [6v6 Fun Team] Bulle
Left PyRo|GEN [6v6] Bulle
Joined DAROUTOUTOU [Highlander] Bulle
Joined Internet download manager [2v2] Bulle
Left cu <3 empty ! [2v2] Bulle
Left Dot highlander ! [Highlander] Bulle
Joined cu <3 empty ! [2v2] Bulle
Joined Widowmakers! [6v6 Fun Team] Bulle
Joined PyRo|GEN [6v6] Bulle
Left Quadrivium [6v6] Bulle
Left MGE heroes [2v2] Bulle
Joined MGE heroes [2v2] Bulle
Left dunno [2v2] Bulle
Joined Dot highlander ! [Highlander] Lakoa
Joined Quadrivium [6v6] Smirre
Left MeGusta [6v6] Bulle
Joined MeGusta [6v6] severus
Joined dunno [2v2] Väiski

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  1. D.o.B.: \V/ Gold - CGAY&BB said:

    met him on mge once, I can confirm DM skills part :>

  2. cruZer: \V/ Gold - und Rasiert said:

    rly strong dm

  3. Warmetal: Suse said:

    After one season he’ll be div3. Beasts u on mge and is always up for games PICK HIM you won’t regret it.

  4. Chicken George said:

    Nice player! Solid aim.

  5. Negative Nancy: burn said:

    2stronk dm :<