ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European Quality Control.

Posted by Temioman: | Last Online:

Hi my name is Temioman!
Are you a Division 6 scout,Demoman,medic or soldier? If you are then sign up for The Mighty Menn 6vs6 team this season!
Just comment below and add me temioman at:http://steamcommunity.com/id/Temioman/
We offer a full private 10 man mumble server and and I also own a Team Fortress 2 server, We also have a TeamGroup so that you can be kept up to date with all of our team news!
We are starting season 14 so entries close soon!

Team Profile

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Mid 11 665
View Div 4 2 661
View Div 4 7 625
View Div 4 12 925
View Div 4 4 537
View Div 4 11 802
View Div 4/Div 5 9 798
View Div 5 6 539
View Div 5 1 244
View Div 5 3 419
View Div 5/Div 6 2 280


  1. Pandahh: NASA - hi im dog said:

    Hey, Im PowaPanda , I have never played competitive TF2before but I would love to so dont let that put you off. I wish to apply for the scout or soldier. When I play TF2 they are the classes I usually play so I’m pretty good at them.
    I hope I get accepted.
    Panda Out

  2. Scoffer: BS1| - Kirmani said:

    Hi i would like to play roaming solly, i can play when ever, 200hrs solly, not played a season yet but i have good knowledge of comp, 16 and british. look forward to hearing from you

  3. Random thingy: is house said:

    i’m 1000 hours scout played 70 lobbies

  4. Random thingy: is house said:

    i’m 1000 hours scout played 70 lobbies i’d like to apply

  5. darthalex99 said:

    I can play as a scout and I am new to tf2 competitive and 6vs.6 but I am willing to learn :)

  6. Le_LH said:

    I’m a medic main, with a few hours on my back.
    I’ve played a few lobbies and 6s competetive, as highlander competetive a little.
    I don’t believe numbers are of big matters and such here but I don’t have 1k+ hours, I know that!

    More about me? 16 years old, Swedish guy, looking for a main team to play in. I am currently a sub in my friends team so I feel like I need something to keep me more busy along the evenings :)

    I have a lot of free time after school, evenings and weekends to practise and I am reasonable and put a lot of time and work into the team I’m into. I want it to work, I want everyone to help eachother and I want to have fun! That’s the main part and I think some teams forget about that.

    Not sure if the GB flag means only players from great britain or to speak the english language, I just took it for the last (english language). I speak english pretty well, so that shouldn’t be a problem.

    Thanks for reading and hope to hear of you guys soon :)


  7. Bucket136 said:

    I am a scout and can offclass decently as sniper, spy (mainly) but also pyro and engy, im from scotland and i am communicate well in game

  8. poznax said:

    Im a demoman main, and can play as scout and engineer at the side, im from croatia, i have never played competitive tf2 and i hope to make the team. As for communicaton i speak english perfectly just with an accent

  9. Vortex-NL: TSF said:

    If you are still looking for a scout im willing to apply for it. Let me know!

  10. Shadowdog said:


    In case you are still looking for that soldier, I’m interested in doing try-outs. I don’t have that much hours but I personally think I’ve got what it takes. I speak fluent English and have a clear Mic, I have no experience in Competitive TF2 but I hope to make a start.

    Cheers, Shadow

  11. tavi_96 said:

    Hey, i’m Tavi.

    Random guy from Romania, 16 years old, played alot of mixes and lobbies(about 100), played some highlander in UGC Silver and Plat. I’d like to trial for your demo spot.

  12. Yessursz said:

    Hi guys,

    I’m Yassir(Yessursz) and i want to apply for soldier/scout.
    I have around 50 lobbies i think and i played them mostly as scout.
    Would love to hear from you guys and trial!

  13. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    I think this team have a full squad and they just haven’t closed this recruitment post, but you should ask them.

  14. LikeThis said:

    This is a separate team to us, Temioman is no longer with us.

    ETF2L’s website has just assigned our team because temio has opened a team recruitment post without being in a team on the site.