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DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Germany Kappa

Posted: | Last Online:

Heyo since my old team folded, im looking for a new one.
Can do Pocket + Roamer / Scout, Demo, Medic.. which you need more :)

Things about me:
– I am 18 Years old
– I am German
– Almost every day on
– Speak fluent english ( atleast enough to play :p)
– Atleast from what ppl told me, im not bad at DM & gamesense lul

Hard to say much about me,
since i played last season div5 i dont think i rly fitted there, so i go back to div6.

What i expect from you:
– Fun and friendly atmosphere
– A mumble server
– A game server
– At least a little keen, I want to practice and get better

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:43355783 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Kuruma [6v6] Bubbz
Left The Hard 2 [2v2] Kappa
Left Regen Community Highlander [Highlander] Kappa
Left Uber Drops Incorporated [6v6] Kappa
Joined Uber Drops Incorporated [6v6] mcjabba
Left The Hard 6 [6v6] Kappa
Joined The Hard 6 [6v6] Kappa
Left Player Haters of the Year [6v6] Kappa
Joined Player Haters of the Year [6v6] Kappa
Left NAMELESSSSS [6v6] c1140554
Joined NAMELESSSSS [6v6] Kappa
Left The Hard 6 [6v6] selsper
Joined The Hard 6 [6v6] Kappa
Joined The Hard 2 [2v2] Kappa
Left The Hard 6 [6v6] Kappa
Joined Regen Community Highlander [Highlander] Kappa
Joined The Hard 6 [6v6] Kappa
Left Team 4 Friends [6v6] fränk
Joined Team 4 Friends [6v6] Kappa
Left Team Colonslash: Par! [6v6] Fester
Left Team Gibus [Highlander] Kappa
Joined Team Colonslash: Par! [6v6] Kappa
Left Team 2 Frag [6v6] Kappa
Joined Team 2 Frag [6v6] Kappa
Left Team Gibus [6v6] Kappa
Joined Team Gibus [Highlander] Hoff
Joined Team Gibus [6v6] seasons
Left Energy=Team x Fortress² [Highlander] Kappa
Joined Energy=Team x Fortress² [Highlander] Kappa

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 4 6 329
View Div 5/Div 6 14 824
View Div 4/Div 5 21 720
View Div 5/Div 6 0 273


  1. Tonsil: up. said:

    Nice guy and a good player. GET HIM! <3

  2. Evowarrior5: UbeR | said:

    In my opinion he should be in div 5, but apparently he doesnt think so.
    So if you’re a nice div 6 team that’s looking for a team carry, pick this guy up quick!!

    Seriously though, good player, nice guy, and he will definitely be a nice addition.

  3. Rando?! said:

    Easily higher than div6.
    Great guy with strong dm and gamesense.
    Very active and will be great for any team :D

  4. NKF: [HA] - #T4F said:

    higher than div6.


  5. GetFoo said:

    Nice guy who is keen to improve but still fun and enjoyable to play with.

    (get him now div 5 teams!)

  6. Sala: TH6 said:

    Especially not div6 as Soldier. Don’t know much about Scout but he’s an amazing Soldier, please div5 for him, at least.

    He’s an awesome guy and a beast with almost every class.

    Go bro. <33

  7. selsper said:

    I’d definitely put this guy in div6 he’s crap.

  8. Chillerbear said:

    good dm but hes a clan hopper so…

  9. Kappa: KRM said:

    Freut mich, das du meinen Recruitement Post kommentierst, jedoch versteh ich nicht wieso du mich so negativ als clan hopper anprangers,
    gibt verschiedene Gründe wieso ich ein Team leave, meistens such ich ein neues Team nach der Season ( was ja grundsätzlich mir überlassen bleibt), wenn etwas dazwischen kommt/die Chemie nicht mehr stimmte wie anfangs, oder ein Team sich auflöst.

  10. Fester said:

    Totally not d6 like the rest said, but whatever, sexiest fish eu can play wherever i guess :) So nice i gave him a hat… gl kaptain