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Medic  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Germany Kappa

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey, after a fun off-season and just playing for total fun trying to go back into shape
about me:
-div3 knowledge as med
-can maincall
-can speak fluent english
-has server/mumble to use
-Can play almost anytime from 17:00 – free
What i prefer:
Teams having fun
Teams not raging at each other

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:43355783 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Kuruma [6v6] Bubbz
Left The Hard 2 [2v2] Kappa
Left Regen Community Highlander [Highlander] Kappa
Left Uber Drops Incorporated [6v6] Kappa
Joined Uber Drops Incorporated [6v6] mcjabba
Left The Hard 6 [6v6] Kappa
Joined The Hard 6 [6v6] Kappa
Left Player Haters of the Year [6v6] Kappa
Joined Player Haters of the Year [6v6] Kappa
Left NAMELESSSSS [6v6] c1140554
Joined NAMELESSSSS [6v6] Kappa
Left The Hard 6 [6v6] selsper
Joined The Hard 6 [6v6] Kappa
Joined The Hard 2 [2v2] Kappa
Left The Hard 6 [6v6] Kappa
Joined Regen Community Highlander [Highlander] Kappa
Joined The Hard 6 [6v6] Kappa
Left Team 4 Friends [6v6] fränk
Joined Team 4 Friends [6v6] Kappa
Left Team Colonslash: Par! [6v6] Fester
Left Team Gibus [Highlander] Kappa
Joined Team Colonslash: Par! [6v6] Kappa
Left Team 2 Frag [6v6] Kappa
Joined Team 2 Frag [6v6] Kappa
Left Team Gibus [6v6] Kappa
Joined Team Gibus [Highlander] Hoff
Joined Team Gibus [6v6] seasons
Left Energy=Team x Fortress² [Highlander] Kappa
Joined Energy=Team x Fortress² [Highlander] Kappa

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 4 6 330
View Div 5/Div 6 10 295
View Div 4/Div 5 21 721
View Div 5/Div 6 0 274


  1. mcjabba: KRM - RH said:

    Kappa too stronk.

    Seriously though, great game knowledge, great skills, and best of all great guy, could easily carry a div 5/6 team with moderate players through a season.

  2. Dagun: TC.Vintage said:

    Is cute and cuddly.

    10/10 would cuddle again.

  3. Hoff: SNSD ATK said:

    Nice guy, great player.

    Do yourselves a favor and pick him up.

  4. Scream1e: elev8 said:

    Mcjabba told everything already!

    Great guy and lovely to play with!

  5. Verse: 4SKINGS - bobs said:

    Kappa played high enough levels, and played them well too, to not have to look at div 6 anymore.
    I he can play div 5/4 at any class he wants to and he will do very well.
    High gamesense, good dm, best voice in whole of europe. His penis is probably large aswell.

    Pick him up!

    .___o< quack

  6. Verse: 4SKINGS - bobs said:

    Ignore the I in the begining of the third line

  7. mrwhizz said:


  8. Python said:

    beat me to it deathliger

  9. Kappa: KRM said:


  10. Swann: said:

    Kappa, you gotta rescue the Player Haters!!

  11. Riot: {VM} said:


  12. quintosh: ITIFY - op_sqd said:

    FrankerZ = Dog Face no space

  13. raiku: STR said:


  14. BerndBrot said:

    Hey kappa,
    falls du immernoch auf teamsuche bist adde mich doch mal…