ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Demoman  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

European Panda Society

Posted by instag1b: | Last Online:

***If you add me or Dodgy and want to trial, reply to this thread, please do this even if you have already contacted us because remembering all the trialists' details is hard…
What class:
When you would be able to play with team (cet or gmt):
What times/day you can trial:
What is your spirit animal:***

***We have since found a scout****

Me (instag1b) and dodgy are forming a new team aiming for div3.
– Keen to work on team play more than anything else and improve in all areas.
– Mumble, 6v6 server.
– No rage, always welcome to constructive crit and always looking to improve.
– Play 19-23 GMT

What we are looking for:
– English speaking, with decent ping to eu servers
– Keen
– Friendly
– Most of all, willing to accept constructive crit and work on teamplay.

What we are looking for specific to classes:

Demo: Just dont be mad, and do work with pipes.

Team Profile

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 3 6 592
View Div 3 6 761


  1. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:


  2. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    sit the fuck down hildreth

  3. Pom said:

    good guys, know what they’re talking about~
    gogogogo pandas :>

  4. Mr. G - String: DStS said:

    21:48 – Dodgy: http://etf2l.org/recruitment/126820/
    21:48 – Dodgy: giv us commen pls




  5. sidestep: (ETF2L Donator) - bobs said:

    well, here i am:

    sunday till thursday
    19:00-23:00 cet

  6. Deomon said:

    Yes, I’d like to apply for scout!

  7. Deomon said:

    I’m UK (GMT)
    I can do tomorrow around 6PM or ask me for any other day..
    Animal Spirit? Turkey! a headless one!

  8. Trane said:

    Awesome guys <3

    New Pandas on the block.

    You should totally take Deomon, next big thing EU.

  9. Fleymeh said:

    I am interested in the demo spot.

  10. Kitanamonk said:

    Demo or scout, I played with oxy in team colonslash before as a scout and I have alot of pub experience. Would love to try the trials. Kitanamonk is my steam username and my steam is http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044907164

  11. Kitanamonk said:

    To add I’m in GMT and can play from 8-11 GMT but not on Wednesday. My spirit animal is a sandwich. I’ll be up for trails all this week at those times sept Wednesday.

  12. jahrein: Dline said:

    What class: medic/solly
    When you would be able to play with team (cet or gmt): cet 20:00 almost everyday after 1st august
    What times/day you can trial: look above
    What is your spirit animal: donkey

    i can already count uber. not much i can learn about that. i maincall. if you prefer me not maincalling that’s fine with me.
    as solly i can pocket.

  13. AeZ! (235): TP said:

    hai, scout/soldier, any day, 19-1am gmt, xoxo

  14. iMpulse said:

    hey guys, looking to trial as a scout, write me on steam

  15. Detonationkiteh: [T-A!] KSV said:


    can do 19-21/22 GMT all days
    I speak english (its my first language, suprise!!)
    my ping is indeed decent to eu servers
    about as friendly as can be
    i dont belive in rage
    my spirit animal is a ballonicorn


  16. lolaboat said:

    My favourite classes to play as are: Spy, Solider, Medic and Demoman (I’m a bit hazy about him). In total I have played 915 hours (yes, i know i have no life XD) and have experience in changing HUDs (so if a member of the team needs to adjust their HUD, I’ll be there).

    Also: Im a good Spy, Medic, Solider, Scout and Demoman with 894 hours in total, please add me I want to join a team and if you want to see my skill look at my youtube channel which is: Ecuador4dead http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198033250901/ is my id

  17. Trane said:

    “My favourite classes to play as are: Spy, Solider, Medic and Demoman (I’m a bit hazy about him). In total I have played 915 hours (yes, i know i have no life XD)

    Also: Im a good Spy, Medic, Solider, Scout and Demoman with 894 hours in total”

    Hi, my name is Trane. Also, Trane is my name.

  18. lolaboat said:

    Trane why did you just copy and paste the things I just said about myself….. it seems rather pathetic to steal another persons information hoping that the owner would pick you instead of the actual person who writ the text…..

  19. Hudson! said:

    ^ lol.

    Join this team and don’t be a scrub cause they are going to do well in the future so they need div+ gamers.

  20. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    lolaboat…you’re amazing.

  21. Mr. G - String: DStS said:

    massive gaping vagina

  22. lolaboat said:

    thank you Monkeh :D but seriously, people shouldnt be taking other peoples comments

  23. Zyberst: TT said:


    We’re part of an old UGC / ETF2L team and we’re looking for a serious team to join.

    We’re a Soldier, a Demoman and a Heavy / Pyro.

    If you’re still looking we would love to have a chance to prove ourselves :)

  24. Pynklùùùnningen: CotC said:

    dear god.
    This rec thread ended up better than expected

  25. Squirry: nNT ≠ said:

    Hello there! :D I’m div4 scout trying to have chance in div3 team, so i’m here :]

    What class: Scout
    When you would be able to play with team (cet or gmt): Summer everytime. During term 20.00 – 23.30 CET Sun-Thurs
    What times/day you can trial: Sun-Thurs, can weekends as well, but not quite sure.
    What is your spirit animal: Squirrel :3

    U want more details? Give a shout through steam! :D

  26. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    I don’t think you have anything to worry about lolaboat.

    Lolaboat, there’s nothing for you to worry about.

  27. Klogar: Towm said:

    oh cmon guys :( help him instead of making fun of him.

    But seriously Lolaboat you should search for a div 6 team i don´t want to say that you are bad, but normally players who come from public to competetive tf2 aren´t able to play on a higher level than div6/5 and you won´t find a div 3 team that will take you.

    Just a helpfull advise :)

  28. Trane said:

    Obvious troll is obvious.