ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

European Trolling Bunnies RED

Posted by guld: | Last Online:

Trolling Bunnies RED are now looking for a pocket and two subs to play with us. We're a newly made team about 2-3 months ago and we're gonna start season 13 in division 5. We're looking for players with the same skill level as us.

What we need from you:
Being able to practice atleast 3 times a week.
You need to able to adjust.
Not raging.
Wanting to get better.
Be in the same mindset of the rest off the team.
Being able to speak proper english.

What we can offer you:
A good and stable gaming enviroment.
Tips and tricks on becoming a better player.
Tryhard players that are fun to play with.
A stable mumble/server.

Like I said earlier, we're a tryhard team. Please don't apply if you don't have any decent competitive experience. (By that I mean don't add me if you only played div 6, mixes and lobbies.)

For more information add tB.YCN ragui

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  1. Makaron said:

    tB.YCN guld: fuck off.

  2. Shadyy said:

    i would love to try out can you give me the link to your profile? Or you can just add me. :p

  3. Cope720 said:

    This sounds awesome I am really interested in getting into a team and this sounds perfect for me. I am quite new to the game however for the amount of time i have played i feel i am quite good. I am also i try hard when i comes to this game and I am determined to become very good at it!


  4. kennymon said:

    Add me.

  5. guld: tB.YCN said:

    Please guys, actually read the post before adding me. It stands clearly in the post “DONT ADD ME IF YOU DONT HAVE ANY EXPERIENCE OUTSID OF DIV 6” please respect that. Thanks


  6. SandeR: m0. said:

    beast team ever

  7. Makaron said:

    +1 SandeR

  8. inferius: Dline said:

    I Played season 11 div 6.Im play the roamer soldier but I can play the poket also.Im play the div 5 4 pwc now. ADD ME And I Show the my trial.

  9. guld: tB.YCN said:
