ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European Trolling Bunnies RED

Posted by guld: | Last Online:

Trolling Bunnies RED are now looking for 2 soldiers to play with us. We are currently a division 6 tryhard team, looking to play our first tournament at the start of season 13. We're only looking for players that knows what they are doing.

What we need from you:
Being a good soldier.
Being able to practice atleast 3 times a week.
You need to able to adjust.
Want to learn.
Not raging.
Wanting to get better. Meaning you can't just be on 3 times a week playing scrims with us, we need you to get better dm skills (if you have bad dm). Stuff like that.
Be in the same mindset of the rest off the team.
Being able to speak proper english.

What we can offer you:
A good and stable gaming enviroment.
Tips and tricks on becoming a better player.
Tryhard players that are fun to play with.
A stable mumble/server.

Like I said earlier, we're a tryhard team. Please don't apply if you don't have any decent competitive experience.

For more information add me.

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  1. guld: tB.YCN said:

    I’ve had alot of people adding me not understanding what the post is actually saying, do NOT add me if you can’t meet these criterias.

  2. cho said:

    ‘we’re a tryhard team’ – nuff said.
    wut a u waitin for?

  3. KillStealer said:

    If you’re still looking i will be glad to help you out.
    hit me up on steam if you’re wanting to give me a chance.

  4. AeZ! (235): TP said:

    guld is good aimwise and decent gamewise but can’t take criticism, nuff said, hope you can do enough to win div5 :)

  5. Infection said:

    gl finding your soldiers :)

  6. guld: tB.YCN said:

    Haha that’s not fair AeZ, I was really moody that day :D