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Soldier  Prem/Div 1 Skill, 6v6

Spain santo

Posted: | Last Online:

played div1, also played with team spain.
searching div1 clan for next season.
can play both pocket and roam, but prefer pocket.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:9489783 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Spain [National 6v6 Team] caeli
Left StopNplay Multigaming Community [6v6] Metroplex.
Joined Dalens Circlejerk [Highlander] santo
Joined Spain [National 6v6 Team] santo
Joined StopNplay Multigaming Community [6v6] santo
Left La Girafe [6v6] santo
Left Real Coholicos [Highlander] santo
Joined La Girafe [6v6] SmoKe
Left Ace of Spades [6v6] santo
Joined Real Coholicos [Highlander] Sir_Angel
Joined Ace of Spades [6v6] santo
Left Catch 22 [6v6] santo
Joined Catch 22 [6v6] santo
Left knock0ut [6v6] santo
Joined knock0ut [6v6] santo
Left knock0ut [6v6] santo
Joined knock0ut [6v6] santo
Left knock0ut [6v6] santo
Joined knock0ut [6v6] santo
Left knock0ut [6v6] santo
Joined knock0ut [6v6] santo
Left Deimos [6v6] santo
Joined Deimos [6v6] santo
Left knock0ut [6v6] santo
Joined knock0ut [6v6] santo
Left plusAttack [6v6] santo
Joined plusAttack [6v6] santo

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  1. Mikorz- said:

    just this:


    div7 of course.

  2. mutaNT: Catch22 > said:

    santo-teh el maloteh > all

    go buy him <:


  3. no0ne: Girafe > said:

    Very good soldier with awesome DM skills! Take him while you can!

  4. Ice: enixe. said:

    very strong player and good person, can play everywhere.
    good luck m8

  5. Simonine: 27 said:

    best beast

  6. Gubbins said:

    There’s a reason he’s in so many frag movies ;) good luck!

  7. Lord_Khronus: .Dicknitas said:

    Skill to play in div 1 or even premier (won div 1 with k0). Reliable and with great gamesense, maybe one of the best pocket soldiers in spain.

    Definitely worth trialling.

  8. Krimz: TBNC said:

    beast, he is intelligent and he has very good aim.

  9. vayne: k0 said:

    used to carry him back in the day along with me, myself and vayne, anyway he is good

  10. Septique said:

    Insane sollie! good luck.

  11. Lord_Khronus: .Dicknitas said:

    Skill to play in div 1 or even premier. Reliable and with great gamesense, maybe one of the best pocket soldiers in spain.

    Definitely worth trialling.

  12. guirepa: .Dicknitas said:

    great soldier, amazing airshots and amazing gamesense!

  13. Daleth: ti. - [PG] said:

    I once saw him hit a double airshot.

  14. odin said:

    Sick soldier, take him NAO!

  15. longas said:

    Don’t waste your time, kick your current pocket soldier and take him.

  16. baribur: aHn - 2strong said:

    Awsome soldier!

  17. Foxt said:

    Great player, give this guy a chance and you won’t regret.

  18. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    mister reform with mikorz and noone?

  19. Tek: ft. said:

    Beasttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt soldier

  20. biester said:

    fucking awesome soldier

  21. Stuppa: .Dicknitas said:

    BLAST | tek said:

    1 map=20airshot for santo :D

  22. flushy: P.O.P said:

    still yet to win an mge match against me :DDD fucking much love for this guy, pity our little experiement didnt work out would have really enjoyed playing with u. remember santo to cago en todo lo que se menea!!! <3