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Soldier  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Ireland Josh

Posted: | Last Online:

Ok, simple story KnG are under going changes and we decided it would be best if we part ways.

So i'm back to this area and i'm basically looking a div4/3 team as solly. It really won't bother me if you taking part in the current season or not. I would in all honesty rather wait till next season. One main requirement i ask of you is just that u are active enough so that we don't become rusty. To be fair a server and mumble are just bonuses, i just rather play with a team.

Now onto me. Well i was with KnG for nearly 2 years and stayed with since div5. I'm not a team hopper, I would rather wait until a team part's ways or we disband before i go in search for another team. I have experience up to div3 but unmentioned is my not so good gamesense apparently. I am working daily on my aim. I dm and mge just to try and get better. I wouldn't mind a good high level solly helping me a bit as well. Like just help me with positioning etc.
I do have a good grip or pocket and roaming. I was pocket in div5 but wild moved me to roamer so the choice for whichever role i get is entirely up to you.

I can give u more info on steam if you need it.

Also I've been thinking of a switch to scout at a div6 level. If i get no promising soldier spots. I will make that switch.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:40251374 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined MANDEM [6v6] lardox
Left Backyard Bullies [6v6] Josh
Joined Backyard Bullies [6v6] morale
Left Garda Panteri [6v6] Josh
Joined Garda Panteri [6v6] Buud
Left Backyard Bullies [6v6] Josh
Left Ireland [National 6v6 Team] dempsey
Joined Ireland [National 6v6 Team] Crayon
Left Ireland [National 6v6 Team] Crayon
Joined Backyard Bullies [6v6] seeds
Left SVIFT [6v6] seeds
Joined SVIFT [6v6] morale
Left Backyard Bullies [6v6] Josh
Joined Backyard Bullies [6v6] morale
Left Faint Gaming [6v6] morale
Joined Faint Gaming [6v6] Smirre
Left Danger Dogs [6v6] Josh
Joined Danger Dogs [6v6] misha YB`g
Left LEGO [6v6] Josh
Joined LEGO [6v6] Dr. Phil
Left The Bus Crew [6v6] Josh
Joined The Bus Crew [6v6] Yohn
Left top5rocket [6v6] Josh
Joined top5rocket [6v6] Ombrack
Left LEGO [6v6] Josh
Joined DUPLO [6v6 Fun Team] Dr. Phil
Joined Ireland [National 6v6 Team] Crayon
Joined LEGOLANDER [Highlander] Dr. Phil
Joined LEGO [6v6] Sonny Black
Left LEGO [6v6] Solid
Left LEGOLANDER [Highlander] Solid
Joined LEGOLANDER [Highlander] Dr. Phil
Left Stacked [Highlander] Josh
Joined Stacked [Highlander] b33p
Left LEGOLANDER [Highlander] Josh
Joined LEGOLANDER [Highlander] Dr. Phil
Joined LEGO [6v6] Dr. Phil
Left Hello Kitteh Ninjas! [6v6] Josh
Joined Hello Kitteh Ninjas! [6v6] IronB
Left Kuuhaku [Highlander] kindred
Left 4FRAGS [6v6 Fun Team] kindred
Left Ireland [National Highlander Team] kindred
Left Hello Kitteh Ninjas! [6v6] kindred
Left Ireland [National 6v6 Team] kindred
Joined 4FRAGS [6v6 Fun Team] Josh
Joined Hello Kitteh Ninjas! [6v6] Rusti
Left Outsiders [6v6] Josh
Joined Outsiders [6v6] nukkye
Left Herr_P Loves Zizi [6v6] Josh
Joined Kuuhaku [Highlander] 1pt
Left [<3] [Highlander] Josh
Left Kebab Warriors [2v2] Josh
Joined Herr_P Loves Zizi [6v6] Bulle
Left International Special Force [6v6] Josh
Joined International Special Force [6v6] ShadowG
Left Agents [6v6 Fun Team] -_____-
Joined REEEEEEEEEEBIT [6v6] Josh
Left Fancy A Bum? [6v6] Josh
Joined Ireland [National 6v6 Team] Josh
Joined Ireland [National Highlander Team] Josh
Left Ireland [National Highlander Team] b33p
Joined Fancy A Bum? [6v6] Josh
Left Elite nile Gunners [6v6] Josh
Joined Agents [6v6 Fun Team] Josh
Joined Kebab Warriors [2v2] Josh
Left Nordlandian [2v2] Josh
Joined Elite nile Gunners [6v6] Josh
Left Aftershock Gaming - About 20% cooler [6v6] Josh
Joined Aftershock Gaming - About 20% cooler [6v6] Josh
Joined Ireland [National Highlander Team] Josh
Left Whiteyes Multigaming [6v6] Izzy57
Joined [<3] [Highlander] Bear
Joined Whiteyes Multigaming [6v6] Josh
Left Elite nile Gunners [6v6] Josh
Joined Nordlandian [2v2] Tommeh
Left Crit Commanders [2v2] Josh
Left LagTastic Gaming Highlander [Highlander] Josh
Joined Elite nile Gunners [6v6] Josh
Left 4FRAGS [6v6] Josh
Joined 4FRAGS [6v6] Josh
Joined Crit Commanders [2v2] Josh
Joined LagTastic Gaming Highlander [Highlander] Hildreth
Left RoYaL [6v6] Josh
Joined RoYaL [6v6] Josh
Left asD' eSport [6v6] Josh
Joined asD' eSport [6v6] Josh

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 1 18 890
View Div 1 6 633
View Div 1/Div 2 24 1495
View Div 2 28 1461
View Div 2/Div 3 4 530
View Div 3 31 988
View Div 4 5 373
View Low+ 27 1334
View Low+ 0 342
View Low+ 0 286
View Low+ 0 238
View Low+ 0 256
View Low+ 17 1111
View Low+ 5 554


  1. AeZ!: TP said:

    Pick him up if you want to win a div4 in season 11, he can easily handle this level and throught the season his gamesense will get better so its all good.

    Good Luck mate!

  2. WildEast: .:EnG!:. - <3 said:

    One of my best friends over ETF2L, been playing with him for a LOT but, the worst part is when the time comes for team changes. Much love man, no homo.
    I have so much to say about this guy but I don’t want a wall of text so I’ll just state pros and cons:
    Great guy, always like to have a talk with him on steam
    Accepts all kind of advises and executes them, but he need guidance from you (He could’ve been playing with us if we could help about this, the fact most of us were busy irl stuff this season made that impossible though)
    Lags on Germany located Multiplay servers(!)
    Can do most of the roaming soldier stuff (“Get the demo on mid!”, “Ok” “Demo down”)
    Stable as fuck
    Can rage on his own skill sometimes, but he always revises himself and apologizes
    Good luck man

  3. Tommeh: ‹Con› said:

    Shame to see you leave -E-nG :(
    Cool and skilled solly, fun to play with and against in 6v6 or Mge and the likes, also good@ultiduo
    Is Irish though

  4. WildEast: .:EnG!:. - <3 said:

    10:39 م – Josh. Norlandian mix?: no con;s?
    10:39 م – .:KnG!:. Wild: Irish
    10:39 م – Josh. Norlandian mix?: dickhead
    10:39 م – .:KnG!:. Wild: you didnt really consider that a con rofl
    10:40 م – Josh. Norlandian mix?: fu

  5. v1ruz said:


  6. Sparky: HoT<3 said:

    Really nice guy. Very skilled, though a bit ragey when things don’t go too well.
    Good pocket soldier, bad with shotgun. Haha

    Much manly <3 to you, Josh!
    Good luck, you deserve an awesome team <3

  7. Ninjah: ONMix said:

    Sick guy, always up for a cheeky laugh before games. Good calling skills and knows map strats. Works well with medics providing he has a little time with them. Always found his team synergy to be strong.

    Good aim skillz, only bad thing is that I’m already taken, sos Josh </3

    Best of luck, you'll do SICK in div4 or merk in div3.


  8. Maelstrom said:

    Josh is a great player, can be a bit cocky when it comes to mge :D but all around awesome. pick him up guys

  9. Josh: MANDEM - LEGO said:

    Bump. open to more div4/3 teams rather than div4/5.

  10. Tikcus said:

    added you on steam

  11. edicius: -[MG]- - HL said:

    Consider for scout if you can’t get work as solly :)
    So few Irish, need to stick together.

  12. Mark: <3 said:

    Nice comms, good gamesense, pretty decent aim and also a very nice guy(can sometimes be a dick when annoyed but thats the side that i love most)

  13. sλayeR said:

    very very good solly nice aim and good coms glad that i played the little matches i played with him, too sad that he left from eng(kng) :(( goodluck in your research man and whatever team picks you will be lucky one to have you!

  14. Josh: MANDEM - LEGO said:


  15. Raymon: 7 - WiK? said:

    Definitely a strong soldier for the division he hopes to sit in with a team, I can’t say much about this person however because I haven’t played with him that often out of simple mixes and I don’t play soldier (that well at all) myself. Overall, cool guy and decent soldier.

    Pick this irish pro up!

  16. Josh: MANDEM - LEGO said:


  17. Paul: CotC said:

    bump bump bump, gl :)

  18. Phrozen: ? said:

    Played with him once or twice, not enough to get a good measure of his skills, so don’t take this as gospel ;) From what I’ve seen decent soldier, definitely div 4, work a little on aim :)

  19. Josh: MANDEM - LEGO said:

    gonna bump again