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Soldier  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, 6v6

Ireland Josh

Posted: | Last Online:

I hate these so i like to stick to a team til the very end.

I understand people will not think i am div1 that is why div2 is there as well, i would love a chance to play at both levels again.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:40251374 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined MANDEM [6v6] lardox
Left Backyard Bullies [6v6] Josh
Joined Backyard Bullies [6v6] morale
Left Garda Panteri [6v6] Josh
Joined Garda Panteri [6v6] Buud
Left Backyard Bullies [6v6] Josh
Left Ireland [National 6v6 Team] dempsey
Joined Ireland [National 6v6 Team] Crayon
Left Ireland [National 6v6 Team] Crayon
Joined Backyard Bullies [6v6] seeds
Left SVIFT [6v6] seeds
Joined SVIFT [6v6] morale
Left Backyard Bullies [6v6] Josh
Joined Backyard Bullies [6v6] morale
Left Faint Gaming [6v6] morale
Joined Faint Gaming [6v6] Smirre
Left Danger Dogs [6v6] Josh
Joined Danger Dogs [6v6] misha YB`g
Left LEGO [6v6] Josh
Joined LEGO [6v6] Dr. Phil
Left The Bus Crew [6v6] Josh
Joined The Bus Crew [6v6] Yohn
Left top5rocket [6v6] Josh
Joined top5rocket [6v6] Ombrack
Left LEGO [6v6] Josh
Joined DUPLO [6v6 Fun Team] Dr. Phil
Joined Ireland [National 6v6 Team] Crayon
Joined LEGOLANDER [Highlander] Dr. Phil
Joined LEGO [6v6] Sonny Black
Left LEGO [6v6] Solid
Left LEGOLANDER [Highlander] Solid
Joined LEGOLANDER [Highlander] Dr. Phil
Left Stacked [Highlander] Josh
Joined Stacked [Highlander] b33p
Left LEGOLANDER [Highlander] Josh
Joined LEGOLANDER [Highlander] Dr. Phil
Joined LEGO [6v6] Dr. Phil
Left Hello Kitteh Ninjas! [6v6] Josh
Joined Hello Kitteh Ninjas! [6v6] IronB
Left Kuuhaku [Highlander] kindred
Left 4FRAGS [6v6 Fun Team] kindred
Left Ireland [National Highlander Team] kindred
Left Hello Kitteh Ninjas! [6v6] kindred
Left Ireland [National 6v6 Team] kindred
Joined 4FRAGS [6v6 Fun Team] Josh
Joined Hello Kitteh Ninjas! [6v6] Rusti
Left Outsiders [6v6] Josh
Joined Outsiders [6v6] nukkye
Left Herr_P Loves Zizi [6v6] Josh
Joined Kuuhaku [Highlander] 1pt
Left [<3] [Highlander] Josh
Left Kebab Warriors [2v2] Josh
Joined Herr_P Loves Zizi [6v6] Bulle
Left International Special Force [6v6] Josh
Joined International Special Force [6v6] ShadowG
Left Agents [6v6 Fun Team] -_____-
Joined REEEEEEEEEEBIT [6v6] Josh
Left Fancy A Bum? [6v6] Josh
Joined Ireland [National 6v6 Team] Josh
Joined Ireland [National Highlander Team] Josh
Left Ireland [National Highlander Team] b33p
Joined Fancy A Bum? [6v6] Josh
Left Elite nile Gunners [6v6] Josh
Joined Agents [6v6 Fun Team] Josh
Joined Kebab Warriors [2v2] Josh
Left Nordlandian [2v2] Josh
Joined Elite nile Gunners [6v6] Josh
Left Aftershock Gaming - About 20% cooler [6v6] Josh
Joined Aftershock Gaming - About 20% cooler [6v6] Josh
Joined Ireland [National Highlander Team] Josh
Left Whiteyes Multigaming [6v6] Izzy57
Joined [<3] [Highlander] Bear
Joined Whiteyes Multigaming [6v6] Josh
Left Elite nile Gunners [6v6] Josh
Joined Nordlandian [2v2] Tommeh
Left Crit Commanders [2v2] Josh
Left LagTastic Gaming Highlander [Highlander] Josh
Joined Elite nile Gunners [6v6] Josh
Left 4FRAGS [6v6] Josh
Joined 4FRAGS [6v6] Josh
Joined Crit Commanders [2v2] Josh
Joined LagTastic Gaming Highlander [Highlander] Hildreth
Left RoYaL [6v6] Josh
Joined RoYaL [6v6] Josh
Left asD' eSport [6v6] Josh
Joined asD' eSport [6v6] Josh

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 1 18 890
View Div 1 6 633
View Div 2 28 1461
View Div 2/Div 3 4 531
View Div 3 31 988
View Div 4 5 373
View Div 3/Div 4 19 850
View Low+ 27 1334
View Low+ 0 342
View Low+ 0 286
View Low+ 0 238
View Low+ 0 256
View Low+ 17 1111
View Low+ 5 555


  1. amppis: DTR said:

    aids noob

  2. Pootaeto: WEED said:

    aids noob

  3. Tornf4lk: cc// said:

    aids noob <3

  4. ePPz: MEAT said:

    noob aids

  5. misha YB`g said:

    not even bad and cool guy

  6. h3x: bedgetf2 said:

    nice guy and insane aim gl josheyyyyyy ! <3

  7. Freakie: KOLAR - .awkward said:


  8. Droodl3: TSM said:

    manages to rape even tho he is an aids noob

  9. turkuaz said:

    funny guy , insane solly , gl !

  10. Caeli: #T4F said:

    Josh is my favourite soldier partner, we had played a lot together and I always got good synergy with him, besides it, he’s also my favourite leprechaun, and he promised me a gold pot at the end of the rainbow.

    He has really nice calls and good understanding of the game and the needed jumps to rape people. For me, he is the best pure roaming soldier in the game, He’s also part of the best soldier combination this game will ever see ( Josh.ie + .arryn*es) we used to rape d1 teams easily along with fybedi.

    So please, give him a chance cause he deserves to play in D1 and even Prem. He’s also funny although he abuses me. The only bad thing about him is that he’s friend of dmoule, the most annoying and rude person this game has ever met.

    Although We didn’t manage to make our team with fybedi twice cause scouts, you will always be my soldier partner, and I will miss playing with you when I go to Germany.

    Thanks for everything, and long life Josh!

  11. Caeli: #T4F said:


  12. Sarah said:

    one of the most lovely and caring person I’ve met on tf2, and my biggest inspiration and motivator.
    I miss playing with him and anyone who has the chance should defo get him because he’s so so worthy.
    [LAN dodger ]

    <3 <3 <3

  13. ash: (Legend) - UNHINGED said:

    Pasty white faggot, good with rockets. <3

  14. FLOWER: said:

    Ive always had a spot for this guy in my hearth. Still not on my friends list cus my hearthbeat raises when i see him. I wonder if i will ever feel mutual love from him.

  15. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    once knew pikachu, 5/5

  16. quintosh: ITIFY - op_sqd said:


  17. Bulle: Epsilon - LEGO said:

    d1 team should definetly give josh a try, great calls and solid dm. Also he is a cool guy to speak with. best of luck batard.

  18. mrwhizz said:

    He deserves a Div 1 team, one of the rare players that actually plays FOR his team

  19. dmoule: /ff said:

    prem ez connard

  20. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    better than bulle for sure

  21. Mak: <3 said:

    handsome lad

  22. raiku: STR said:

    hi josh.

  23. carnifex said:


  24. 009EFF: doggo - HL said:

    cute as fuck