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Christmas Day Bans, VAC/Cheating Rule Update, Staff Changes

Date December 25, 2021



Previous Ban Post – 1. September 2021


The following players have been caught cheating by the Anti-Cheat team and were banned for two years unless otherwise specified:

  • International snowsled – Continued Cheating – Permanent Ban
  • Poland sen
  • International cheeto – Cheating (2nd time), VACs on alternate accounts – Permanent Ban
  • International Lorax

The following players were involved in ban evasion cases and were banned for the specified durations: Read the rest of this entry »

ETF2L 6v6 S40 Sponsored by Mannco.store Premiership Grand Final: Witness Gaming vs Ora Elektro

Date December 23, 2021

Banner by UnitedKingdom soda | Written by Ireland dempsey


As we reach the ultimate game of ETF2L’s 40th 6v6 Season, only two teams remain to compete for the crown of best team in Europe: European gerz and Norway Ora Elektro.

Witness Gaming came into this season as a team to look out for. They had built up a strong roster during the off-season, with the team’s main goal to perform at Copenhagen Games 2022 and Season 40 proving a good chance to make a name for themselves before the LAN event. Witness Gaming have shown off their power throughout the entire main season, achieving 28 points out of a total possible 30 for this season. Only one team was able to take any points out of their hands during the main season, and that was Ora Elektro.

Ora Elektro finished Season 39 in second place, losing the Grand Final to 4Toast, and with 4Toast not returning for this season many expected them to triumph against all this season. However, as Ora Elektro themselves know, being the favourites isn’t enough to carry you over the finish line. Last season Ora managed to edge 4Toast out in the Upper Bracket Final, but ultimately losing against a superior 4Toast in the Grand Final. Ora Elektro have been a name in the top level of TF2 for almost four years, but still do not have an ETF2L championship to their name. After such an excruciatingly long wait, will their patience be rewarded?

Ora Elektro and Witness Gaming came together in the final week of the regular season, playing cp_metalworks and cp_process_f9a. Both maps produced a tied game after 30 minutes, but Witness Gaming managed to claw a Golden Cap victory away from Ora Elektro: twice. Now with one matter left unfinished before the Christmas break, they’ll be playing each other again to decide at long last the winner of the 40th season of ETF2L.

Tune into twitch.tv/teamfortresstv at 21.15 today the 23rd of December to catch the action with Netherlands Wiethoofd on production and England Lucky & Ireland Josh casting the game for your enjoyment.

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Provisional Schedule Early 2022!

Date December 17, 2021

This is a provisional schedule therefore dates are subject to change.

With 2022 fast approaching it is time to announce the provisional schedule for early 2022. Below is the schedule for the next 5 months of ETF2L seasonal competitions. We are aware that the next Highlander season is still quite far away and it will have been a while since Highlander season 25. Our main reason for this delay is to allow for 6v6 Season 41 to happen before Copenhagen Games in April 2022. Starting off the year with Highlander would potentially cause both major LAN events to collide with a 6v6 season. However, to provide Highlander teams with playing opportunities we are planning to organize an extended cup (spanning multiple weeks) around the middle of January – start of February.

6v6 Season 41

Signups: 3rd January – 20th January
Main Season: 23rd January – 12th March
Playoffs: 13th March – 3rd April

Highlander Season 26

Signups: 28th February – 17th March
Main Season: 20th March – 30th April
Playoffs: 1st May – 22nd May



Season 40: Playoffs & Tiebreaker Scores

Date December 11, 2021

Banner by UnitedKingdom soda

Welcome everyone to the conclusion of the 40th season of ETF2L 6v6.

We hope you enjoyed the matches, and for the teams that made it through, congratulations.

If you find yourself on the list of these teams you are expected to be available. If you fail to provide information, or it is insufficient, we will have to decide your match dates for you. Keep in mind that we will try and accommodate both teams, but the match date may still vary from your provided days if for example none of the days matches with your opponent’s, but your opponent offered more days than you did. Deadlines listed for the matches are flexible and may be changed in certain situations if admins are contacted about allowing extensions on these.

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Highlander Season 25, 6v6 Season 38 and 39 – Wrap-up

Date November 28, 2021

Highlander Season 25 – Wrap-up

With Highlander Season 25 concluded we would like to congratulate all teams that have climbed their way up to the podium and wrap up the season. Congratulations to Luxembourg Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! for winning this season’s Premiership tier!.

The winning squad is composed of:

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