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Ask Fish - Help needed!

Created 11th October 2011 @ 20:49

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Quoted from Kiss Kiss

I’m scout. I’m capping enemy Spire. We have players down, say both our sollies and the 2nd scout. Our Medic/Demo are in Trash/StoneBridge and get attacked by a Solly/Scout.

Do I sit on the cap and pewpewpistol down and get our team forward respawn, or do I give up the cap and save our medic/demo?

Cap > saving your Medic and Demoman in my opinion but thing is it depends whether or not you think that you will still get the cap if you drop off the point. For instance if it is only a Scout alive on your Demo/Medic, he kills your medic but you drop off and save your demo you can both still jump back on the cap, put it on lockdown. If they have good numbers alive though like 6 up, even if say 3 just spawned you should realize if you drop off the cap you got no chance of re-capping it unless they do a hilarious failure (or you go huge) so personally I would want my scout to cap it even if it means losing your medic + demoman. Likelihood is you’ll lose spire and they will have an uber advantage for pushing middle but it is better than losing middle before your medic even spawns.



Quoted from agron

But then again I also don’t use voice commands to fake uber or cover the “uber ready” sound effect or whatever it is cool kids do nowadays.

To sum it up: I’m shit.

Binding a key to fakeuber and constantly spamming it works better than you think. I had a discussion with the math genius skeej once about fakeubers after we played a pcw against eachother and we both agree; spamming fakeubers/fake calls/call it whatever you want DO inflict a bit of unsafety on the other medic/team. Its also annoying and you get pissed at the other medic :d “do you really think you can fool me with THAT?”. It must be something unexplainable but it certainly helps.

Sometimes you see medics using fakecharges when they are around 80% to lure the other team, respect to them for using mindgames, but keeping constant voice spam up works better, for me at least

Another thing if were talking about medic: raise your ingame volume, you can hear the other teams ubercharge if its ready, from the “fffzzz” idle 100% charge sound. You can hear it as any class so if you lost the track or miscalculated, it can save your ass if you get an early call about their uber. Dont rely on it too much tho.



Quoted from vani


Binding a key to fakeuber and constantly spamming it works better than you think. I had a discussion with the math genius skeej once about fakeubers after we played a pcw against eachother and we both agree; spamming fakeubers/fake calls/call it whatever you want DO inflict a bit of unsafety on the other medic/team. Its also annoying and you get pissed at the other medic :d “do you really think you can fool me with THAT?”. It must be something unexplainable but it certainly helps.

Sometimes you see medics using fakecharges when they are around 80% to lure the other team, respect to them for using mindgames, but keeping constant voice spam up works better, for me at least

Another thing if were talking about medic: raise your ingame volume, you can hear the other teams ubercharge if its ready, from the “fffzzz” idle 100% charge sound. You can hear it as any class so if you lost the track or miscalculated, it can save your ass if you get an early call about their uber. Dont rely on it too much tho.

PROTIP: bind everymovement key to also spam a voicebind, guaranteed to piss everyone in your team off, and probably vaguely irritate the other team.

Seriously though, I don’t get why some people still mask their ubers, it has become so predicatable what kind of sounds are used to mask charge, the only time it could be used is if you use your cover to fake a kritz, while still actually having uber or some clever stuff like that. Otherwise it can easily just be read as the same sound as the fully charged thing. People should just use the fully charged thing as their cover, and spam it, so unless they time it the other team can’t tell if you have uber because you are constantly shouting I am fully charged.



Quoted from antyjc


PROTIP: bind everymovement key to also spam a voicebind, guaranteed to piss everyone in your team off, and probably vaguely irritate the other team.

Seriously though, I don’t get why some people still mask their ubers, it has become so predicatable what kind of sounds are used to mask charge, the only time it could be used is if you use your cover to fake a kritz, while still actually having uber or some clever stuff like that. Otherwise it can easily just be read as the same sound as the fully charged thing. People should just use the fully charged thing as their cover, and spam it, so unless they time it the other team can’t tell if you have uber because you are constantly shouting I am fully charged.

This inspires me. Whats your setup? Im thinking about binding W to “spy!” and D to “need a dispenser here” … etc



Quoted from Brainmaster

Any tips and ideas for teambuilding? Making them friends instead of just teammates?

Uhh play games, make sure everyone is on the exact same page when it comes to pushing, holding etc.

Also being friend’s helps people forgive others when mistakes are made.


For team-building – Play games other than TF2 helps in my previous experience.

L4D2/Starcraft 2/League of Lol/Minecraft/Hide the sausage.

Y’know, the usual.


Quoted from antyjc


PROTIP: bind everymovement key to also spam a voicebind, guaranteed to piss everyone in your team off, and probably vaguely irritate the other team.


and give away your location ;d



Quoted from Trane

For team-building – Play games other than TF2 helps in my previous experience.

L4D2/Starcraft 2/League of Lol/Minecraft/Hide the sausage.

Y’know, the usual.

+ Prophunt


Get your team to buy SF and body them over and over again

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