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Improving Teamplay

Created 12th September 2011 @ 21:54

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I just wanted to ask how other teams try to improve their teamplay because obviously all my attempts to do so are failing. Our Teamwork really sucks. Calls are being forgotten or not being cared about etc.
We really love each other and there aren’t any problems between the players, so that can’t be the reason.
We’re watching demos of other teams with each player specing his class and trying to call what he is “doing”. What I can improve is watching our stv demos together with my mates which might actually have a big impact.
We’re also going to play some other games as a team. But the thing is, it must either be F2P or really cheap to get, support 6 players in a team and be fairly heavy on teamplay. I can only think of League of Legends but its only 5v5 :/
Any other ideas about how to improve Teamplay or a game?



Sometimes going through a map as partners e.g. Scout + Scout, medic + demo etc can really help you understand each other. Usually problems arent from a lack of dedication but a lack of understanding each others playstyle. You can’t copy an exact team movement for movement and hope things will work for your team. You really need to make sure you all understand what you’re doing in situations and apply them when they need to be used.


improve by small steps.

For example first week concentrate only on clear calls, after you managed to get that concentrate on rollouts and etc.



What dauk said really. Concentrate on 1 thing per night or map. Turn down ingame sounds and turn up mumble volume to help with comms. Play lots.



It’s not about copying movement or actions at all. More like knowing how to react to a situation as i often have the feeling our soldiers are having trouble to push or don’t know HOW to effectively push even thou we talked about it often enough when going through the maps together



Don’t just play tf2 together. Become friends and you’ll find teamplay is much easier to come by because you’ll hopefully all be on the same page and you’ll kinda know how each other thinks.



We all are. That’s why i don’t want to swap players under any circumstances :)
i think i’m just too soft



work on small things have a goal every night on what you want to achieve,

feel free to add into our public steam group you can watch stv with comms and we also upload them too

also feel free to grab me in the chat i usally idle in the steam chat bit if you want any personal advice always happy to help



Keep watching your own demos, but concentrate together on one player’s pov. Have him explain why he did what he did and discuss how he could have reacted better/how the rest of the team could have supported him more.

Go through the maps (one a night, no more) and fix positions for each point, offensive and defensive. Then play the map and make sure to stop and double-check if everyone is where they’re supposed to be. By round 3 the opponent will probably know where to expect you, but the point isn’t winning the map in this case, it’s learning to stay disciplined. Once everyone knows what they’re doing you can add variations and whatnot.



Time really. And a consistent roster…

In eMpathy we didn’t have teamwork for like ages (mainly because we changed roster every month) and then one week it suddenly started clicking. You start dominating, moral goes up, teamwork improves even more ect.

Some teams naturally gel more then others, sometimes you need to put more effort in. It’s all relative. In very rare cases im sure it may never work (mostly with arrogance though).



have a good team leader



We just spend a lot of time hanging out in mumble, talking about the game and playing other games together so we’re all on the same wavelength.

Though we only ever tend to win when it comes to a DM situation, so we might not be the best example ;D



woops double post

Spike Himself


Pocket > Watch medic’s pov demo
Roamer > Watch either scout’s pov demo
Scouts > Watch eachother’s pov demos
Demo > Watch pocket’s pov demo
Medic > Watch pocket’s pov demo

Random-ish, but you get the idea. Also what dauk said. And don’t expect results within the week :)



Quoted from flushy

have a good team leader

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