
Help find my brother a room in Göteborg

Created 20th December 2011 @ 13:28

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Hey guys, my brother needs a room in Göteborg for like 6 months I believe. But it’s kinda hard to find one, any tips?


Yeah, it’s pretty tough nowadays afaik. We had an English guy stay with us during the summer, and he couldn’t find anything in several months, until one of his friends went on a long vacation and he could rent his apartment.

I haven’t really stayed up-to-date on all of that though, I just remember it was a good idea to sign up to these sites: (students) (Chalmers students)

I still live in Gothenburg, and a lot of my friends do, so I’ll tell you if any of them has got something (depends on what the months are, obviously). I live with my two brothers in an SGS apartment (120 square meters, one bedroom each), but one of them might move out. If your brother wants to give that a shot, have him add me on steam or email me (PM for address), and I’ll talk to my brother.



He found a room, thanks for the reply anyway :).

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