
My drum cover, sexy.

Created 1st May 2010 @ 19:05

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im out

ps: well played


Quoted from David

That was good! However you will never beat hot drummer girl

First of all, I love her as well, she’s really awesome.
Hot? I can disagree about that, but yea she’s cute…
And about beating her, I hate using these terms, and just so you know she’s not that good, its not cobus or vadrum, she’s just a little better than me, at least that’s what I think.


Quoted from yin

im out

ps: well played

Yea, travis barker, it’s not like I can reply to that :P he’s awesome, end of story…
sorry for the late comment, army holding me back

Last edited by d0llar,



Quoted from yin

im out

Nowhere close to

– Well played btw :) Quality was alright really.

Last edited by Traxantic,


Bah m8, some good talent there, to most some will only go by the noise produced from the drums and not the control/technique and variation, but yea nice rift’s.

You should get yourself a professional microphone which has a dampener, along with a professional sound’box’ card. Gives you endless amount of functionality to get rid of the tinnyness, it’s what all the professionals do or they just buy a £6k drum kit lol where the skins are made of like sabre toothed tigers skin :D (which dont exist jaja) but you get my point.

With a bit of money + sound editing dude that would sound awesome. But yeah v wp.

In case your wondering why im saying this is because i have the prof mic and have done my own recordings :P

Good effort holmes.



Last edited by byte,


Quoted from byte

Bah m8, some good talent there, to most some will only go by the noise produced from the drums and not the control/technique and variation, but yea nice rift’s.

You should get yourself a professional microphone which has a dampener, along with a professional sound’box’ card. Gives you endless amount of functionality to get rid of the tinnyness, it’s what all the professionals do or they just buy a £6k drum kit lol where the skins are made of like sabre toothed tigers skin :D (which dont exist jaja) but you get my point.

With a bit of money + sound editing dude that would sound awesome. But yeah v wp.

In case your wondering why im saying this is because i have the prof mic and have done my own recordings :P

Good effort holmes.



Okay, big words, I dont know if you read my 1st page comment, but I’ll repeat on some of the things I wrote there.

First of all, the sound sux, no doubt about it, I can afford myself a nice kit, microphones. mixer and everything else required to make my drumming sound awesome making me look and sound a lot better, A LOT better.

But I’m currently serving IDF, situation that makes me see my drums 3-6 days a month, sounds sux? yea, worth it? hell yea.
Maybe when I’ll be done with the army (in 3.5+ years), I’ll think about stepping up and spend my money on this.

For now, drumming is my hobbie, favorite hobbie, and my sound sux, but usually people who doesnt understand much about drumming, doesn’t care about the sound, they’re amazed by the drumming “skills”, the control/technique that you mentioned, and these are the comment I’d like to get, technique mistakes, and general advices to make my next videos look better.

I’ll add up and say that I’d like to you comment on the control/technique you mentioned, I didn’t really get if you’re a drummer or not, but if you’re, I’d like to see another comment.

Last edited by d0llar,


im noob at drums so ofc u guys write i just liek his idea abotu new music with drums :D

trax your movie is epic :)


Quoted from Traxantic


Nowhere close to

– Well played btw :) Quality was alright really.



Quoted from Spank



Damn right. That is how you drum.
Been drumming for 6 years now.



Been drumming for almost 11 years now :) I’m going to try and record stuff sooner or later.



been drumming for about 8 years now, studied jazz druming for a while, but it fucking wrecked me, so difficult at times, could never put 100% into it!

Hopefully will record some stuff this summer, if the sound quality is ok :P


Quoted from dougiie

been drumming for about 8 years now, studied jazz druming for a while, but it fucking wrecked me, so difficult at times, could never put 100% into it!

Hopefully will record some stuff this summer, if the sound quality is ok :P

You got the right equpiment to record yourself?

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