
Old nicknames

Created 5th January 2010 @ 14:53

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Quoted from Krissz

when I became 14 i realised i cant be a father at 14.

2005-2??? Krissz

Others have already accomplished that.. ;)

FluffY ZeuZ

Redbullfj (All pre-TF2 gaming)
Sniperscope (From pub sniping)
FluffY (Going medic in competitive)
FluffY ZeuZ (Entering a greek sounding clan “The Omega”)

To come: ZeuZ once i get a bit better at tf2, and not so fluffy anymore. :P


Damn there is a lot of Nicks xD

Onkelpsy – I Used for playing q3arena
neo – The Matrix one, coming with a whole CS Team xD
Nostradamus – I dunno why…maybe, i misstyped Nosferatu -.-
pr1mus – dunno why…i just like it. But today, i only use it for some Internet Stuff like Forum
sHiZo*pHrEn – deleted the *pHrEn, because everyones nick is shizophren ^^
sHiZo – now and i think, it will be this for a long time…if not…the EVIL MONKEY will get me.


used -(M24)- when i was a kid.
then i switched to Ar$enal (after the football club :D)
then Valkyrie cuz it sounded cool
Ar$enal and Valkyrie weren’t unique enough though, so iwent back to M24, just without the hyphens and brackets



Mordi, always had it.
Mordi 4 life.

It’s norwegian and means “Your mum” :)

Mordi e mann = Your mum is a man!



Uhhh… can’t really think of any old nicknames, I’m Zappah, obviously called after the genius Frank Zappa :)



I used Lord_ameba when I was like 10, and thb it’s not that bad.

However, once I got the idea of Overcow (inspired by the game Black and White, go figure) there was no turning back.



Its always been looski ;)

My reasoning:
Lewis (my rl name) -> Lewski -> Looski

I’ve had like capitals and rubbish but its always been looski :>



oh crap.. where to start…
back in 1997 or so i went on the interwebs, noticed that there were forums and such which required a nickname. Thus I took my favourite Final fantasy 7 character, Vincent as a nick. But as that, obviously, is not cool enough I had a quick brain storming session on how to improve the nick, thus being immortal and lovable at the same time. Whilst having a look at the collection of letters commonly known as the alphabet I found it, the coolest letter out there, the X. Said and done, my nick for a few years to come was selected, Vincent X (should be followed by thunder storms, skulls, tanks and other cool stuff). After running with this awfully cool nick for a while, I came across a new game which of course meant that I needed a new nick! After yet another nerding session over at my best friends place (Hw2k of jÄgarna) I caught a quick glimpse of his ICQ friend list and was dazzled by the glory of one of his friends nicks. Behold, the name was Kirox! Whilst being high on life I once again set out to “coolify” the nick a bit more, and for the next half an hour or so (or a few weeks.. cant really remember.. I am old damnit) my nick just had to be, Ki=RoX. If Vincent X should be followed by thunder storms to emphasize on its manliness and shear coolness, Ki=RoX was simply off the charts, god himself cursed the day where he did not register that nick…followed by lightning storms anyhow, as those are just pure awesome.

Though young, and spontaneous as I were, I quickly became bored of Ki=RoX and finalized my nick for many years to come, and got stuck with Tirrox (though not without having to play for quite some time with the embarrassing variation of the nick ^TiRRoX^, a nickname which haunts me to this very day.

This name stuck with me for my modem years, and it was not until i finally became an LPB (yes, its a known abbreviation if you know something about fps) where I once again saw the need to change nick. Looking though the average dictionary of the time, I found a word which was somewhat awesome, and would suffice for a nick for a while. Solid, was my nick for a brief period of time, and was also modified into Solid #9 commemorating my 9th and final rejoining of the clan Great Targets (which was the great grandfather of jÄgarna in face, in which you could find me, eX, soo, hw2k and probably angra if I dont remember incorrectly.. dont really care as angra was useless at that time anyhow… fucking newbie). But, as all my glorious returns to my old clan, I became bored within a month or so and set out for new adventures.

Ridding myself of the nickname Solid would not be easy, as I had somewhat started making a name for myself once starting to play with 50ish ping rather than 200ish. So I did a day-by-day variation of the nickname, Solid, Solidarius, Solidantes… etc. etc. until I got stuck with Solidas (no, I had not played metal gear solid at the time thus knew nothing about some ripoff character trying to steal MY nick). This nick stayed with me for another few years (back and forth for probably 7 years). But it was not until I started studying at the university that I got myself a laptop from the school, this laptop of course needed mIRC to be installed the very first day. Trying to connect to mIRC using the glorious name of Solidas turned out to be a no-go as that nick was already taken by my computer at home. As such I was prompted to enter a new nick, being slightly annoyed with this fact I just slammed the keyboard with both hands whilst still in normal “typing positions” I ultimately hit the letters s,a,j,h.

And well… since 2002 I used sajh when at my laptop, and Solidas when at my stationary computer. In 2004 or so, I got rid of my stationary computer and have been pretty much stuck with the name sajh since then, and havent yet gotten around to coolify it.

sajh X

^sAjh=RoX X^



HAH! how is that for a nick history, screw you all!



Get a real job mate.






awesome necro is awesome, although this was an interesting thread which I have never seen before so thanks


When I started online playing my first nick was Anborn(from lotr) and then like 2001 I changed it to Septiq. Made some variations from it like Los_Septiques and lastly Septique which I’ve been using since 2002 I guess.


In almost chronological order:
– eagle_fox // in a old shooter by novalogic of wich i cannot get to the name.
– SirKil-a-Lot // wolfenstein enemy teritory and mohaa
– gammo // halo 1
– arathion // early wow / mu online.
– gobbo padium // Warhammer forum name
– realeigo // randomly generated name out of anarchy online, also used in wow.
-squig or skwuig // tmuf
– martndemus // everything since summer 2010
– martn // since x-mas


looking for opportunity to get banned and change nick to coold1

Last edited by dauk,

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