MGE Server Stats Database
Created 19th May 2011 @ 23:20
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Hey guys, I’ve been moving some stuff about between my servers the last few days, and I’ve had to move the MGEstats Database to another system.
Here’s the backup if anyone wants it to have a little fiddle with it. It’s just a standard SQL backup. The database itself is stored in MySQL on my server, and accessed by various TF2 servers running MGEMod, but for the purposes of fiddling with this, you should be able to load it into pretty much anything within reason.
Quoted from Daleth
save everyone some trouble and just delete them
What do you mean? If you’re talking about points, its not so much to do with that. It’s more to do with stuff like comparing peoples divisions to their MGE points, the weapon stats, etc.
hey guys, heres the contents of my recycle bin if anyone wants it to have a little fiddle with it.
[Link removed]
So he released some data which would be good for analysis, and you guys are assholes as always.
People like to blame the admins for a bad league, but it doesn’t help that the people that use it are juvenile dimwits…
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