Who uses reverse mouse in game?
Created 3rd May 2011 @ 00:57
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Just a quick poll of interest, i don’t know why i use reverse mouse in TF2 but people at lan were like WTF FREAK? I’ve done it in every game, must be a quake thing, anyone else reverse their mouse or just me? :x
Quoted from Tapley ❤
Just a quick poll of interest, i don’t know why i use reverse mouse in TF2 but people at lan were like WTF FREAK? I’ve done it in every game, must be a quake thing, anyone else reverse their mouse or just me? :x
I think SeriousCat did/does? I remember hijacking his computer at LAN and completely failing due to the invert ^_^
I use it.
Tried playing on Sketch’s PC and I was like ‘I wanna look up omg why I look down?’
Got the same response as you. Freaks for life.
I do. Moving the mouse “up” (it isn’t really “up” though, is it? it’s more like – “away from me”) to look up is heresy and a crime against all that is good and true. people who do that are freaks and should be forced to play with trackball only.
but yeah – it’s a quake thing.
Quoted from Tehgnarr
I do. Moving the mouse “up” (it isn’t really “up” though, is it? it’s more like – “away from me”) to look up is heresy and a crime against all that is good and true. people who do that are freaks and should be forced to play with trackball only.
but yeah – it’s a quake thing.
basically you’re saying that most of the people here are freaks who cant use a mouse to move things relative to its direction, ie up = up and down = down.
I normally wouldnt have anything against people who does anything differently from the norm, but this statement just makes you out to be a freak who’s just fucking pissed at people who can actually relate direction. reversing your sense of direction is “good and true”? are you retarded or something? it’s just personal preference, not something that can be defined as “good” or “bad”. Good going.
Quoted from FIR
basically you’re saying that most of the people here are freaks who cant use a mouse to move things relative to its direction, ie up = up and down = down.
I normally wouldnt have anything against people who does anything differently from the norm, but this statement just makes you out to be a freak who’s just fucking pissed at people who can actually relate direction. reversing your sense of direction is “good and true”? are you retarded or something? it’s just personal preference, not something that can be defined as “good” or “bad”. Good going.
learn to spot irony or be forever an outcast from human society and prepare to live a life without joy and cake (<— irony)
Quoted from FIR
basically you’re saying that most of the people here are freaks who cant use a mouse to move things relative to its direction, ie up = up and down = down.
I normally wouldnt have anything against people who does anything differently from the norm, but this statement just makes you out to be a freak who’s just fucking pissed at people who can actually relate direction. reversing your sense of direction is “good and true”? are you retarded or something? it’s just personal preference, not something that can be defined as “good” or “bad”. Good going.
played counter strike whit that
Pretty sure that fragga uses reversed mouse, guess its a Quake thing, i heard that there once wasnt an option to turn it off, so everyone had to get used to it.
reverse here too, I guess it comes from descent or quake >_>
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