Game of Thrones [SPOILERS INSIDE]
Created 25th March 2011 @ 18:20
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Quoted from instag1b
[…]On a side note, I thought a wise man’s fear kind of dragged on a little, and if it weren’t so well written I would have quickly grown bored. Kind of got the feeling that this instalment was a filler of sorts. Well it’s certainly got me excited for the next one anyways.
Well the first book was the beginning, and the third will be the climax. This is the development and a lot happened, just not so great a development in his search for the chandrian. But while that is the main plot of the story, the focus is primarily on the people and their relationships with Kvothe. And Kvothe growing up to be brilliant but always struggling due to poverty and his enemies. It’s one of the the few books I can just read and read without getting tired of it because of how beautifully it’s written. There’s not pages of unecessary description, everything that is there is important.
Huge fanboy here :S
Last edited by laerin,
Never read the books, just heard from my bro that the series is good (and it is!)
I’ve never wanted to strangle anyone on TV so much. I’m looking at you, Joffrey.
Quoted from Morphine
Never read the books, just heard from my bro that the series is good (and it is!)
I’ve never wanted to strangle anyone on TV so much. I’m looking at you, Joffrey.
Quoted from Pyle
lold so hard
Last edited by Warcloud,
best thing on tv, since LOTR
oh and how dare they to kill Boromir for the 2nd time
Last edited by onamons,
Sean Bean always dies.
Quoted from Warcloud
lold so hard
Yh same for this one :DDD
Season was slooooow as hell, I’m still gunning for a zombie overlord though plz.
slow? there was boobies, zombies AND dragons!
Just finished watching it, a great series.
Quoted from Tapley ❤
Just finished watching it, a great series.
Same, cant wait for the next season.
Bit of a slow start for me. I mean, still the best thing on TV right now and the start of a new series has to have some boring stuff to get out of the way but to brush over the nightwatch guys fighting the white walkers with a black screen and some snarls and screams was a bit weak.
Does this mean we don’t get to meet Sam the Slayer on TV? They found the damn Dragon glass in the last series…(or the first one, can’t remember)…USE IT MAN!
Still super excite about this wonderful program being back on my screen.
All Hail HBO!
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