Game of Thrones [SPOILERS INSIDE]
Created 25th March 2011 @ 18:20
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‘graphic’…well put sir.
Maybe the sight of what she did to herself would have pushed everyone just a little bit too far, enough horror is enough huh? The rather wooden way she interacted with the wife was done really well too….’ahhh, fuck it’ stylleeee. Awesome stuff from our Michelle.
Last edited by Monkeh,
That’s it, I’m editing the thread title. Fuck.
I’ve really tried NOT to spoil anything for anyone, honest. Please tell me you didn’t click the link underneath my:
You baddie.
Last edited by Monkeh,
*** SPOILERS ***
Basically, NASA send a rocket out to space with a T-Rex on board but it’s actually a nuke sent by the Russians and boom, the sun gets blown to shit. BUT. Is that really the sun? WHO KNOWS :OOOO
Quoted from ilike2spin
Her meltdown wasn’t as graphic as the book but that scream and dead stare was some of the most morbid stuff I’ve seen in a TV show.
“no, not my hair, ned loves my hair.”
As much of a cunt he’s made himself out to be, I still find walder frey absolutely hillarious.
The casual wine sip mid-slaughter was the icing on the cake, as well as the face he pulls to Robb after the bride is revealed.
So many twitter rages about cancelling HBO subscriptions…
Glorious, just glorious.
Oh wow, reactions to last scene compilation:
Amazing :D
Quoted from Katerfas
I want to come to script writers’ home and kill them with an axe.
Blame Mr Martin, not the writers of the show or HBO, all santa’s fault.
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