Documentary on pro-gaming (the true story) ;-)
Created 28th May 2010 @ 18:09
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Skyride: Suppose you winn the lotery and own a few millions, would you go pro and play like its a normal job? I think its doable if you keep your social life intact perhaps. On the other hand, I think in the end you will get bored of it.. I dont know. When I was playing UO I sometimes played for 20 hours straight. It didnt affect social life that much, because I always found time to visit friends and have fun outside. The real problem of gaming that much, is work, school etc I think.
Quoted from Edd
have fun looking like michael jackson then koeitje
The second bury of Michael Jackson?
I don’t think I’d be able to cope with that shit again :/
Quoted from droso
Which one is Carnage?
2:29 guy
Last edited by nophantasy,
Quoted from GibbZ
kaidus plays worse when he smokes weed.
Not at all true. It varies enormously based on what kind of high the weed gives.
Quoted from Skyride
This kind of comes full-circle to why I cbf with TF2 anymore.
LAN’s are great, like fucking brilliant. But that one weekend, every few months, is the only real laugh you ever get if you dedicated huge amounts of time to a game. You miss so many opportunities to do other things and to be honest, I really bloody regret spending so much of the last 2 years of my life on TF2.
So yeah, those guys may get high, run about hotels like idiots and bassically just have a great laugh at that LAN, but the other 50 weekends of the year will be spent sat in front of a PC; on their own. Probably working some dead-end, low-paying job the rest of the time.
Thats not for me. ;)
Keep us posted m8
Quoted from Andee
Skyride: Suppose you winn the lotery and own a few millions, would you go pro and play like its a normal job? I think its doable if you keep your social life intact perhaps. On the other hand, I think in the end you will get bored of it.. I dont know. When I was playing UO I sometimes played for 20 hours straight. It didnt affect social life that much, because I always found time to visit friends and have fun outside. The real problem of gaming that much, is work, school etc I think.
Lol the last thing anyone should do if they win millions is take up “pro gaming” the only game you could play is 1v1 games or CSS to make it “pro”. Pro gamers are on the whole unhealthy and they probably hate the game they play anyway they just play to continue to try to be the best and to win money, its not for fun at all.
Ah well.. never winning a lotery anways. Ill stick to my ‘healthy’ life here and passion instead of addiction to gaming ;)
Quoted from kaidus
Not at all true. It varies enormously based on what kind of high the weed gives.
You mean….kaidus plays sometimes without smoking weed?
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