Documentary on pro-gaming (the true story) ;-)
Created 28th May 2010 @ 18:09
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Nice documentairy on pro-gaming. The real facts:
I think many people already saw it, but didnt see it here on forum. Love the chicks hehe.
Compliments to Abhorrence for the link!
quite interesting.
This is interesting gona watch all parts now damn you.
lol guys so i watching forward for the first css cs1.6 and quake drug tests before palyign to make shit fair again?….
true stuff have been said there abotu gamign non stop i think 99% of us know what that shit is about and all guys which went to lan know that drunk shit :D….
yes guys we’re addicted to gaming
Before you doofuses fly off the handle too hard I’d like to point out the obvious that the whole “documentary” is nothing but cheap sensationalism with very little real content. Very typical, writers building up their story to make a subject that very few people have any firsthand knowledge of seem so much more extreme and dangerous.
But yeah the carnage bit was amusing.
Last edited by Bash,
Quoted from Koeitje
How can one talk about esports without even mentioning Korea/SC…
+100000 tbh
I think that people play tf2 because it’s fun and they enjoy it. And some just like to forget the problems of life for a few hours and just chat with friends. And let’s face it , you won’t pay your bills by playing tf2 , not yet anyways.
I personally play cause I enjoy it. And since I get bored after 4-5 pcws in one night , I know I’m just not made to be a pro gamer. So I play for the fun of it.
Quoted from Koeitje
How can one talk about esports without even mentioning Koietjes huge peenhorse
Almost John, almost mate.
I’ll give you a 9/10, but you need to improve your spelling.
Lmao. Who the fuck does that?
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