
Problems Recording

Created 13th June 2009 @ 18:31

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You could also use startmovie avi, and download the lagarith codec. Heard that combo works pretty well too.


clips tend to get big as f#ck though :D

but quality is superb!





I also have a very relevant question to this.

I use startmovie moviename avi with the largarith codec. The files are big as fuck, but that’s no problem.

How should I get it editable? Like, should I compress it so I can preview the movie or do people actually just hope it’s okay as they put together stuff?



i use uncompressed footage import it into premiere edit it and then use the pre-render thing to watch it back to check for timings etc



^ what he said, usually there’s a small preview screen. Not sure about premier, but atleast in vegas.


what does that lagarith codec do better than usual uncompressed video? cuz it was fine even without that codec, just pure uncompressed video….



what does that lagarith codec do better than usual uncompressed video? cuz it was fine even without that codec, just pure uncompressed video….

+ additional colorspace support (YV12 etc.)
+ feature: “reduced resolution” mode
+ multithreaded
+ smaller file size (reduces hard disk becoming a bottleneck when playing the files back)
– Slow compression and decompression rate (this shouldn’t be a problem if you have a dual core or better)

You might wanna try to change the interleaving settings (Audio -> interleaving)



dignitas movie? 0.o



I’m a noob at shopping, i know.


edit: before anyone asks, the pic is called “how i hide my porn” and i dunno where it’s from.



The sound should not be out of sync or any shorter or longer than the video using tga+wav; I recorded 150+ clips that way and never had any such issue.

Like someone pointed out, it will always lag in virtual dub, render it, then watch the rendered vid in MPC to see if it works as intended…usually shouldnt run into any problems whatsoever.

Maybe it is because I do it like this:
pause demo
start movie in console
exit menu/console
resume demo

The sound should not be out of sync or any shorter or longer than the video using tga+wav; I recorded 150+ clips that way and never had any such issue.

Like someone pointed out, it will always lag in virtual dub, render it, then watch the rendered vid in MPC to see if it works as intended…usually shouldnt run into any problems whatsoever.

Maybe it is because I do it like this:
pause demo
start movie in console
exit menu/console
resume demo


bind “o” “startmovie a; hud_saytext_time 0; cl_showfps 0; net_graph 0”
bind “p” “endmovie; hud_saytext_time 7; cl_showfps 1”

ftw :P



lol waebi, vampire pron!? Is that what you wanted me to when we spent the night together in a hotel?



that, and only that, Bones.
But since it’s on YOUR pic…

Hmm nothing posted seems to help. Could it just be that a hostfps of 90 is just too high for my PC? Tried it on my laptop as well and exactly the same thing happened. As soon as I set hostfps to 90 the demo looks like it’s in slow motion. It doesn’t matter whether I play at 100% or 600% it’s all the same. Then when I do record and throw it into Virtual dub it always says it’s 10fps. I’ll try setting a lower hostfps and see what happens. Also does it matter what my graphics setting are like when I’m recording the demo originally?

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